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  1. I've actually managed to fix this issue now. For anyone else who comes across this issue, feel free to message me and I'll walk you through it.
  2. I've been able to fix most of the IPB version specific bugs that occur when using a 4.3 theme for a 4.4 forum, however there is one that I cannot figure out. The mention menu would normally appear when you put an "@" symbol in input boxes simply does not appear when using theme FLine. I checked whether I could reproduce this issue for any other 4.3 themes, but I could not. I then tested FLine on a 4.3 forum and the mention menu worked. Does anyone know why this might be happening? I mean this menu is generated by IPB software and not by the theme, so I don't really understand why it doesn't work. There also isn't any references to this menu except for styling in the theme XML. Cheers.
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