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CyberOn last won the day on June 15 2016

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  1. Seriously? You honestly believe that what he says is what everyone is thinking. I can tell you, I do not, nor do my friends and family and I do not want to get into a debate about this, on the rights and wrongs of Facebook’s decision. However, I can only go by my personal experience of meeting the man in person, that on one fine day when I was sitting with my then girlfriend and now wife who happens to be black, holding hands and kissing, when he came up to us with a few of his lovely friends, promptly telling me I was a disgrace to my race (me being white of course) and for her to go back to where she came from. That fact that my wife’s family can trace their family history back, living and being born in the UK from the late seventeen hundreds. I can only go back in my family history a 150 years, so the fact is, my wife in reality is more British than I am, is of no real consequence to someone like him. The fact that my children get abuse just because of the way they look is something they deal with regularly when they have done nothing to anyone, they are 5 & 8 by the way, I really do not understand what gives anyone pleasure in doing that? I am all for free speech and quite frankly people have every right to hold their own opinions should they be right or wrong, no matter how ignorant, unpalatable or downright ugly those opinions maybe. Nevertheless, Facebook or any of the other tech companies are private and can choose who they want on their platforms, they are not bound by allowing all content and comments. Moreover, there plenty of places where he can spout his crap to many like mined individuals.
  2. CyberOn

    Good hosts

    For my basic site I use Digital Ocean found them to be pretty good over the last few year, even though I use OVH servers for my heavy-lifting websites. I tend to spend around $10 a month per VPS with a spec of 1 CPU, 2GB memory & 50GB of space with 3TB of traffic which I have is plenty for most of my basic sites. I like the fact that Digital Ocean only charge me at each billing period for what I use so I can add or take away services during the billing cycle. You can try Digital Ocean with this link if you like https://m.do.co/c/6935cb11b61f it's a referral link which will give you $100 credit which has to be used in 60 days but apart from that there no real restrictions but you will need a valid credit or debit card to get the $100 but if you remove any Droplets (VPS's) from you account before the credit is used there will be no charge. Disclaimer: I have posted this referral link in another post today and not trying to spam the forum I just want to be clear If you do decide to carry on with the account and at the end you add $25 to your account I would get a bonus myself but you don't have to and not worried if you do or not, I just think a $100 credit to try them is a pretty good way to try them out running some pretty decent spec Droplets (VPS's)
  3. For me a cheap one would be around $5 a month but you're not going to get much for that, I tend to spend around $10 p/m for a single website as for spec a lot will depend on what you're running on the site and how much traffic you are expecting. I have moved most of my basic sites over to Digital Ocean and kept my more traffic & processor hungry sites on OVH. You can try Digital Ocean with this link if you like https://m.do.co/c/6935cb11b61f it's a referral link which will give you $100 credit which has to be used in 60 days but apart from that there no real restrictions but you will need a valid credit or debit card to get the $100 but if you remove any Droplets (VPS's) from you account before the credit is used there will be no charge. Disclaimer: If you do decide to carry on with the account and at the end you add $25 to your account I would get a bonus myself but you don't have to and not worried if you do or not, I just think a $100 credit to try them is a pretty good way to try them out running some pretty decent spec Droplets (VPS's)
  4. Good riddance a vial human being if there ever was one.
  5. Why are you using just free hosting? Is it just down to cost because you can get a VPS very cheap now to run a website on or blog or IPS and you want have any issues with backups.
  6. Yeah OVH does not have the best software support but the hardware support has always been spot on for me. Though I tend only to use Kimsufi servers for my SeedBoxes and don't need much management. For my normal hosting I use their other dedicated server ranges, still one of the cheapest dedicated server companies around IMO.
  7. No problem, I like Plesk 12 it's easy to use. If you need any help just let me know.
  8. cpanel and plesk are not free you have to pay for a licence after using a trial licence. There are free panels out there but from what I can gather you are not to firmiular with servers so I would not want to recommend one without knowing what understanding you have of setting up the server. CentOS have a free panel that is quite good and pretty simple to use and free. Whichever way you are going to have to do a reinstall of the server if you want to try a new panel, which is very easy from the kimsufi control panel.
  9. Well I know that parallels don't do trial keys for Plesk 11 unles you request one from their support. (They do a live chat that you might be able to get one) OVH don't sell key's for Plesk on the Kimsufi servers you would have to go through a reseller or Odin to purchase a full license key. You can of course install Plesk 12 through the kimsufi control panel and get a trial key straight from the parallels website once you have it installed. I use Plesk 12 on my servers as it is cheaper than cPanel fr a dedicated licence.
  10. OK so what OS did you choose to install when you got the server from ovh. As you should know Kimsufi servers from ovh are unmanaged servers so it is down to you to install your choice of OS from the kimsufi control panel. There are lots to choose from and the choice is yours. OVH support will only normally help with hardware faults and not software problems. Though most OS's from the control panel you should be able to use trial versions keys on to start with, like cPanel, Plesk and so on. Really need more information on what you installed when you first got the server to help you out. Myself I have been using OVH servers for a long time and never had a problem.
  11. Need more information. What are you trying to install on the server? Server OS, IPB 4 and so on. Then we maybe able to help.
  12. insideflyer looks to be using Wordpress hispasonic looks to be just a html and php website (no cms)
    Anyone missing the colour picker in this and the Animate theme? Installed both themes on a fresh install of, cleared the cache, tried the support option, even tried switching back and fourth from designer mode, tried all browsers and all missing colour picker and unable to change background.
  13. CyberOn


    While it installs on Wordpress 4.2.2 and I can access the CometChat admin panel via website address/cometchat/admin I can not access it from the dashboard within Wordpress. If you click on CometChat from within the dashboard all it does is ask for the cometchat.zip even though this has been previously installed. Once it has been installed and shows you can go to the Cometchat admin panel fro within the Wordpress dashboard the actual link to the admin panel is admin.php?page=cometchat%2Fcometchatinstall.php and not the admin panel. So while it does work it does not integrate as much as I was wanted. Hope this can be sorted out in the future. Just to add installed on a clean install of WP 4.2.2 with nothing added before CometChat OK Manged to get it to work in the WP 4.2.2 dashboard. Once you have installed it don't click the link to take you to the admin panel. 1) Goto installed plugins 2) Look for CometChat and click the edit 3) Click Proceed (If you get the warning about editing the code) 4) Make sure at the top of the screen it says Editing cometchat/cometchat.php (active) 5) Look for at the top of the page add_menu_page( 'CometChat', 'CometChat', 'manage_options', 'cometchat/cometchatinstall.php', '', plugins_url( 'cometchat/newcometchat.png' ), '2.24' );6) Change cometchatinstall.php to menu.php 7) Update File You should now be able to access the cometchat admin panel from within WP dashboard
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