You honestly believe that what he says is what everyone is thinking.
I can tell you, I do not, nor do my friends and family and I do not want to get into a debate about this, on the rights and wrongs of Facebook’s decision.
However, I can only go by my personal experience of meeting the man in person, that on one fine day when I was sitting with my then girlfriend and now wife who happens to be black, holding hands and kissing, when he came up to us with a few of his lovely friends, promptly telling me I was a disgrace to my race (me being white of course) and for her to go back to where she came from.
That fact that my wife’s family can trace their family history back, living and being born in the UK from the late seventeen hundreds. I can only go back in my family history a 150 years, so the fact is, my wife in reality is more British than I am, is of no real consequence to someone like him.
The fact that my children get abuse just because of the way they look is something they deal with regularly when they have done nothing to anyone, they are 5 & 8 by the way, I really do not understand what gives anyone pleasure in doing that?
I am all for free speech and quite frankly people have every right to hold their own opinions should they be right or wrong, no matter how ignorant, unpalatable or downright ugly those opinions maybe.
Nevertheless, Facebook or any of the other tech companies are private and can choose who they want on their platforms, they are not bound by allowing all content and comments. Moreover, there plenty of places where he can spout his crap to many like mined individuals.