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Everything posted by zipif

  1. hello, can some one please upload this plugin latest version or any supported to 4.6 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7628-easypopup/ thanks
  2. CyberApex [Dark & Light] please upload the latest version of this theme 


  3. zipif

    IPS 4.6 EasyPopup 2.1.4

    thanks i will try to search for the updated version, sir if u have the new version please update in market place
  4. zipif

    IPS 4.6 EasyPopup 2.1.4

    hello, i install easypop 2.1.4 in latest version of ipb and when try to add popup its give this error any one know what is the issue
  5. zipif


  6. hello, i am facing issue on my forum other forum owners register account and send PM to vips and other paid group users and leech my vips. so i want to restrict normal member users to send message to my vip members . is this possible with any setting plugins to restrict normal members to send message to vip group ? Thanks
  7. hi, i upgrade to 4,5 and after this the new option come expended view to preview the post the disadvantage of this option for me its showing the hidden cotent any option to turn this off?
  8. hello i buy pages today but when i ask the support team but their answer confuse me so what i have to do ? i download the fresh copy which files or folder i have to replace to install the only pages ? thanks
  9. zipif

    How to do this?

    hello, i see one forum when we click the checkout have paypal payment option when we click the paypal payment option and checkout its not direct to paypal page its redirect to page that are custome message with paypal email and ask to pay as a friend and family can any body know how to do this https://prnt.sc/shae64 https://prnt.sc/shafvy screenshot attached thanks
  10. hello, everyone is their someone know if this is an application or just a code? http://prntscr.com/qbv7z0 I didn't post the forum link where it is presented because of the webflake rules THanks
  11. so i have to past this code also and mine also? the one i show u i have to post those code is custome css? and the one u give me i have to post this in before </body>
  12. i am trying this but no result come i post this code in theme custome css .vip { background-clip: border-box; -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; color: #FF512F; font-weight: 700; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #727309; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/JJdE5ll.gif),linear-gradient(90deg,#f00 0%,#29ff00 100%,#fff); animation: vipanim 5s infinite linear; } @keyframes vipanim { from { filter: hue-rotate(-360deg) } to { filter: hue-rotate(360deg) } } and the post this in-group formate Html <span class="vip"></span> but reciving no result can anybody tell me what i am doing wrong ?
  13. hello,G it is possible to link group formating with custome css? i see one forum who is using this in gorup formating color " <span class="heaven"></i>Heaven </i></span> " so the color of group showing some beautiful rainbow color so how can i do this ? Thanks
  14. hi, can someone tell me what donation Plugin WF using?
  15. hello, did anyone tell me its custom made or any plugin? (URL Removed - Link to warez site)
  16. just change setting to global setting and all fine
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin add the captcha on login form
  18. Thanks. Issue Resolve
  19. hi how are u all after upgrade to 4.3 to 4.4 my who was online not work properly, they only show the name but not the color of the group: -s anyone help me about this http://prntscr.com/n67hl9
  20. thanks i think also its custom made. but thanks for the replying and helping
  21. Hello, i see this in one site who is using ipb its custom plugin or what http://prntscr.com/n1aoqp http://prntscr.com/n1aoxt its called like leecher level system its work with the person post count, if leecher level go to zero its show as bad in negative and person can't reply to any post Thanks
  22. Hello, how are u all? Please, anybody, tell me this plugin name or this is custom made? http://prntscr.com/mzbcln it's showing the years of the registration of the user in user info Thanks in advance
  23. Thanks, admin for your support. Yes I download the PHP/HTML plugin from the download section and then I try and its work fine You can close this topic and mark as Solve now
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