Hey guys,
I'm looking to buy a new DSLR camera.... I am sure we have some photographers on this forum... somewhere... ?
So if you have one you own and like, please tell me why
I'm newish!, well a month old or 2 old. I figured I should introduce myself and say Webflake is awesome.
I'm a website tech nerd, sort of new to IPB, but loving it with my community. I hope to get more involved here on the forums.
I've been using IPB for a while now, I tried Xenforo but I think IPB just feels more refined, easier to use for the average user and just all around better experience. I also feel like the IPB community is thriving with new themes/plugins coming out all the time.
I have the same issue, I read somewhere about a fix a few days ago, (by accident before I updated to 4.4.1) but can't remember where I came across the information ?