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Everything posted by Bhaz

  1. Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a new DSLR camera.... I am sure we have some photographers on this forum... somewhere... ? So if you have one you own and like, please tell me why
  2. Intel right now.... but AMD is on the rise. Plus with all the bad security press on Intel, more people will be inclined to go AMD in the future.
  3. I'm newish!, well a month old or 2 old. I figured I should introduce myself and say Webflake is awesome. I'm a website tech nerd, sort of new to IPB, but loving it with my community. I hope to get more involved here on the forums. Regards.
  4. I've been using IPB for a while now, I tried Xenforo but I think IPB just feels more refined, easier to use for the average user and just all around better experience. I also feel like the IPB community is thriving with new themes/plugins coming out all the time.
  5. I have the same issue, I read somewhere about a fix a few days ago, (by accident before I updated to 4.4.1) but can't remember where I came across the information ?
    Any chance of the update to 1.3.1? - needing it for IPS 4.4. 1.2.1 Isn't compatible
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