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  1. We have a couple of deleted users which created a new account and we want to merge their old post with their new account. The old names are like "Guest John" and new account is John. Now with Xenforo this seems rather easy because the deleted user gets a seperate number like "deleted user xxx" where xxx is (if I'm correct) the deleted user number, for example 65 foro 65th deleted user. Ofcourse the Guest John gets user_id 0 which all guest users have. So I found a thread on Xenforo how to first replace the old username (guest John) with John and afterwards change refer the post id's of the deleted user to the existing user. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to there, so I will post the commands. Like this: UPDATE `xf_post` SET `username` = replace(username, 'Deleted member 16', 'Horace')
  2. That war probably stopped when IB took over vB and caused lots of users running leaving vB due to the new terms and prices. And lack of support to vb 3.8 lifetime license holders and did update 3.8 with 3.8.8 and 3.8.9 but left vb 3.8 license holders in the cold because they could only get to 3.8.8 and 3.8.9 when buying a vb4 update license, which is crap. This is the main reason that they sank down in my trust rate a whole lot. I thought I read something similar happening for IB 3.x users when 4.x came out. They do have some great self-made addons like Pages and Commerce, that a pro fore sure.
  3. Yep, it was a rights issue. The source button gets disabled when group permissions do not allow html input. I enabled html input now and it indeed solved the problem. Thank you very much!!
  4. Ah thank you. For some reason I don't have that "Source" option in my Wysiwig editor, in my case it starts with the B of Bold. I'll go and find out why I don't see that there, might be a rights issue. Not sure. Thanks!
  5. Just 1 issue left. The tracker is working now, but when trying to add this in the wysiwyg editor: <p><strong>Status Definitions</strong></p><p><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_style5">Pending</span> = We are still working on this report.</p><p><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_style4">Fixed</span> = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available&nbsp;in the next version.</p><p><span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_style6">Closed</span> = Feedback or&nbsp;opinion&nbsp;better posted on our forum for discussion.&nbsp;Also for reports we cannot reproduce or&nbsp;need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.</p> I put that in the wysiwig, as just copied this text, and also tried as code and tried with html and tried with php but it keeps showing up on the page exactly like this, so just this formatted text. No badges becomem visible. What could I be doing wrong?
  6. Ah then probably that was my mistake, I skipped the first one because I had to wait until step 6. Thank you for the help!
  7. Sorry to bump an old post but I'm a bit confused about this, I hope this will still work in IPS 4.3.6? Do you have to make a page 2 times? Like on the bottom of step 2 it says: So do we need to create page in step 2 and also in step 6? Or skip this part of step 2 and only create a page in step 6? I tried the latter one and got a lot of errors on saving the page with IPS 4.3.6. Also, I would like to have this in the Dutch language. Which has to be translated in step 5, the "key" or the "value" or both?
  8. Why only those two? You can't make a good comparison for free software with paid software. Ofcourse IPS is better than phpBB. But if you compare IPS against Xenforo... well... except for the editor used, Xenforo stands a good chance of winning. Already starting with pricing.
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