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  1. you do not understand correctly.
  2. Hi, I have problem to show dates in turkish language For example , date_started translate problem. If i use english or russian , showing date . But if I use turkish don't show %s translate I checked translate. Even if I add same words (Posted %s) in turkish language(ACP), then showing only "Posted" and again don't show "%s" how can i fix it ?
  3. I wish you explained this I fixed problem manual. I changed button url find this <button data-action='newMember' class='ipsButton ipsButton_primary ipsButton_medium'>{lang="continue_as_new_member"}</button> and replace with this <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'normal'}}data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="sign_up"}'{{endif}} id='elRegisterButton' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_primary'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> But if there an option pls show me. if you talking about "Force users to make a purchase when registering?" I think this is not solve for my problem. this is forcing purchase for register ,but we need force register for purchase (same register form with register page)
  4. I found problem , it was my fault. I tried to "display : none" for footer area , it is effected widget bar icon too
  5. Try to disable plugins I had same problem because of menu icon plugin
  6. Is possible disable register on store ? If they they are guests and if need register redirect them to register page
  7. Hi Question 1: Guest can visit store , this is not problem but I don't want guest can order. Because I blocked space(blank character) in account name(example : test test) but still people can register account name with space character . Because they can register on order page. So , how can disable guest orders ? Don't misunderstand me. I don't want block them for store. I just want force register before order. Question 2: I logged in with admin account but I can't see widgets bar. There is no bar icon on left.
  8. Hi I seeing sometimes guest (spammer) creating thread at my forum. But I'M sure I have set guest permission.
  9. Hi What is this system overview What does it mean
  10. How i will post block in topic ? Forexample I want to create [howbuy] bcc and I made an explained content about how to buy. When a customer create thread to ask about "how to buy" I will post [howbuy]and customer will see my explain content
  11. Hi There is a modification for SMF forum. You can add a content on ACP and select a BBC. then when you use this bbc on forum , will show your content forexample I added "hello" bbc and content is "Hello World ! Welcome to my IPB Forum ". if I use [hello] in forum , will show "Hello World ! Welcome to my IPB Forum " Here this mod : http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=3864 is there same mod. for IPB ?
  12. I upgraded but there is register problem on 4.4.1 Maybe my nulled version problem I don't know. From where you downloaded 4.4.1 ?
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