Version 2.1.0
Enhance your user info panel with this powerful fully customizable plugin for the forum topic posts, You do not need to show all the information you can choose to show or hide any one of them or just choose to hide them on mobile viewing, you can now even choose what user groups can see what information
How to configure
Go the the ACP plugin panel and select the settings button on the plugin
User Info Panel
Edit the width of the user info panel between 200px - 350px
Move the username to the user info panel
Set a margin from the top of the post panel (Needed on some themes you won't need for the default theme)
Change the font of the username (you can use web safe fonts, Google fonts or you can even upload your own!!!!!)
Change the width & height of the avatar between 75px - 200px
Choose to have a border-radius around the avatar and enter your own amount
Show/Hide the users cover photo (If they have one)
Change the height of the users cover photo
Show/Hide a topic starter badge or field to the info panel (If the user is the topic starter)
Move the users rank pips / rank image to below the info panel
Profile Info
Show/Hide the users group with colour formatting
Show/Hide secondary group images
Show/Hide the users rank / title
Move the users rank / title to below the avatar / below the username or in the user info panel
Show/Hide the users clubs as icons (if they are members of one)
Show/Hide the users ID
Show/Hide the users post count
Show/Hide the users post per day ratio
Show/Hide the users reputation
Show/Hide the users amount of leader board member of the days won
Choose to use a gold font for the member of the day
Show/Hide the users topic count
Show/Hide the users topic per day ratio
Personal Info
Show/Hide the users birthday
Change the birthday view to the show the members age instead
Show/Hide the users joined date
Change the joined date to one saying "With Us For xxx Days"
Show/Hide the users online status
Change the online status to a pip
Choose to use a pulsating green glow for when the users online
Show/Hide the users last activity
Show/Hide the users timezone
Show/Hide the users follower count
Show/Hide the users connected device (4.2.x Only)
Show/Hide the users clubs as icons at the bottom of the user info panel (The club name will appear on hover)
Change the size of the clubs icons
3rd Party Apps & Plugins
(DF42) Members Social Info
Member Away
Trophys & Medals ( RECOMMENDED )
Members Shop
Choose what font-awesome icons are used for each section from a pre-defined list of over 600 icons (Just start typing the name and they will appear)
Show/Hide each section for mobile browsing
Select what user groups can see what on the info panel
Add any of your custom profile fields to the user info panel matching its theme and style