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  1. yHardy

    IPS 4.6 login system erro

    I have a small bug in the login system, when someone enters and is not registered in the forum, the system is like this https://prnt.sc/200xbyj https://prnt.sc/200xbyj
  2. I start with my List 1. Anno 1602 (PC) 2. Lego Island (PC) 3. Stronghold (PC) 4. Tombi (Playstation) 5. Pokemon Red (Gameboy) What are yours?
  3. I have a little doubt, I am setting up a forum and I would like to know how it is possible to intrega link with subforum same here in WebFlake I'm using google translator if someone does not understand I'll send a photo of less what I'm looking for This is the feature I'm looking for ..
  4. I have a great doubt which of this character is more intelligentuse argument please Light Yagami = Death Note Or Lelouch Lamperouge = Code GeassThe two showed great deeds, plus a battle which character would gain
  5. 1. What problem are you having? I downloaded steam login here, but he does not want to connect and says I need openid 2. What were you doing when the problem occurred? I just did the normal installation 3. Picture/Video of the problem: https://imgur.com/a/vIxGiKB it enters normal and then returns to that screen https://imgur.com/a/OEfwjKB
  6. What is your favorite series? mine is Lucifer
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