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About lastbidule

  • Birthday 05/12/1961

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  1. I see that many are like me and prefer to be masters of what they share. Thank you gentlemen for your answers.
  2. Sometimes we need to share files impossible to send by mail because their sizes often exceed that tolerated by your webmail. 1 ° You then use an online service such as "WeTransfer", "Filemail", "Senbox" or other .... 2 ° Host this service using the same kind of script as those offered by online web services, because you prefer to master your data, settings settings of your service "clound" as well as its aesthetic to offer it to your customers. visitors. For my part, I use a "Free" script of the same kind as "Send" launched by the Mozilla Foundation, its name: Jirafeau I manage my service from end to end by hosting it on my own server. And which solution do you prefer, n ° 1 or n ° 2 ? ??
  3. Using both systems I prefer IP.Board beautiful shot more flexible, customizable at will in the creation of forums, websites. It is great to be able to integrate in IP.Board scripts of plugins or services not planned for him like for example a service of sending files style "clound", to offer a visual aesthetic diversity more modern than its competitor xenforo and a whole heap something else. My heart is acquitted to IP.Board without any restriction as it fills me for the use that I make of it.
    I will be very useful to inform or distract my visitors this feature popup easy to integrate anywhere in my cms. Thank you for the author of this sharing.
    I was looking for a program to shorten my URL's I think I found it in more than one else I'm going to test. The best of both will take my preference. Thank you for this precious sharing for me.
    I was looking for a program to shorten my URL's and well I think I found it. Thank you for this precious sharing for me.
  4. A thousand thanks, option immediately disabled at home, bin yes why not take into account this .... I had not unchecked in this place indicated ? and as I want my small community to live long ...I am always good advice given by the "big masters" of the site ?
  5. Super tutorials to keep under the elbow when as I am deeply modifying its site. Hyper useful for those who do not know the coded architecture nor the paths to find the famous lines of codes to modify. Thank you for your work, friends ?
    Beautiful and super functional this sharing. I confirm that this plugin works and even under IPS v4.3.6 as shown in the screenshot of my site. ? I even translated the button and the settings of the plugin into French in French.
    Thank you for sharing the friend; It will be useful for me in the production of tutorial video format and then put in gallery on my site.
    Thank you very much, it works perfectly on IPS v4.3.6 I recommend this app to those who want more to customize their administration interface. For my part it remains for me to translate its interface in French to benefit in my own language. Below an image of are installation at home before translation into French.
  6. I did not try this solution with a free count at the provider that you indicate but I wanted to give my opinion on this solution that I find very useful indeed in my opinion. Thank you for sharing this tip hoping that another tests and tells more details than me if it worked at home. I would still try my personal smpt server to see if it works with a smtp server made available to us or hosted elsewhere on the web.
  7. Indeed it is an excellent tip in case of disaster for the erasure of our rank of administrator. I tested this solution by creating a ghost member on my site and gave it a moderator rating. After checking in my administrative panel IPS, I could see the effectiveness of your little tutorial mr-pimpen. Thank you for this sharing that will be very useful to "heads in the air" or just for those who want to repair an error committed by a second admin with full powers who would have deleted your rank or account inadvertently or other ...
  8. Thanks Tricky for the compliment. ? Indeed I am certain that it will serve for other because originally I searched for a lot of time a scrool to top that would work with my versioin of ips, and as nothing worked I looked for on the web a solution that would allow me to benefit from such an important function when you have a site with a long slider to go back to the top of a page. The solution found being tested and functional at home so I decided to share it with all those who, as I was, are looking for a famous scroll to top and find nothing satisfactory until present. Simple to implement and useful for all that this little tutorial ?
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