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  1. Hello, I recently found a pretty big issue on my IPS 4.4 , Its currently running the latest update but its throwing "Couldn't save block positions" errors when I use the block manager, So for example when using a WYSIWYG Editor and I fill it with text and a place another one anywhere on the page, It throws the "Couldn't save block positions" Error and it won't update the page with the information I just put in the Editor. This also happens when I remove something from the page so, For example: When I remove a WYSIWYG Editor or anything else from the block manager. This is what it looks like when I remove something or add something to the page or try to update a WYSIWYG Editor. And here is 2 quick video's that show exactly what I'm doing when it throws the error. Video 1: https://gyazo.com/b95413ea3b55a1dbc100df83730fe0a6 The second video shows when I'm removing something from the page, It does the same thing and when I Click "Finish Editing" on the block manager it doesn't save me removing the 2 editors and they will still be there or they will be somewhat removed and where the editor used to be it will just say "Error". Video 2: https://gyazo.com/789bdd026f84f996db18e1fc8b0b68d6 I get the following error in my System Logs. (I Covered my FTP Username in red) I've already tried the following things: I've tried removing a page and adding it back under the same name with the same page template. I've tried removing a page with a different page template. I've tried importing a custom page template and seeing if that would fix the issue. I've tried doing it on multiple browsers including: Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge. I've tried doing it on different PC's and devices including: My Home PC & My Laptop I've tried removing the browsers cache on: Firefox, Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge I've tried putting the latest update files in there, So and yesterday tried updating to but this didn't resolve the issue. I've tried looking into the init.php file to see what code it throwing errors, Couldn't really find anything as I'm not an expert. I've tried running the support tool to see if temporarily disabling some plugins would help (No it did not) None of the above has solved the issue. If anyone can help me with this problem, It would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
  2. PC or Console?, Let me know which one and why
  3. I Prefer to use Paint.net and Photoshop for what I do, Logo & Banner designing, But also do like Youtube and Twitch tubnails and offline screens. What do you guys do on your photo editor and which one do you prefer? Also feel free to leave some work you have done.
  4. I Prefer windows for work and gaming, I only use Linux to host some game servers.
  5. J.Kremers

    PC builds

    Hey everyone, I'm just curious what kinds of builds people have, I'm running the following specs myself I7-4770K - CPU MSI 1050 TI - GPU ASRock Z370 Pro4 Motherboard Corsair Vengeance Ram DDR4 - 16GB These are the main parts, I run games like GTA 5, Apex Legends and Fortnite at about 80 to 100 FPS on High settings. Currently looking into going with a GTX 1080 TI but not yet as I'm running games very smooth so I will when there is gonna be feature games that take a heavy load on my PC. I would like to see what kind of builds other people have or maybe you don't have a gaming rig but you have a good office PC for work. I'm curious, Leave your builds below.
  6. I Like Apex but it just feels a lot faster as Fortnite, Sometimes it's so fast I feel like I can't keep up with how fast the gameplay is in combat, I like octane but I feel legends like Bangalore plays a bit slower. I still prefer Fortnite to be honest. Even everyone that I play with like Fortnite better as we also feel like Apex is just a tweaked copy of Fortnite
  7. Hey everyone I'm J.Kremers and I have been on the forums for a while but never really thought of making a post so now I am. I'm J.Kremers or my real name Jelle Kremers I'm from the netherlands in western europe I'm currently studying for technical specialist motorvehicles I just wanted to say hello to the community ?
  8. I Have not been able to watch the superbowl, Have I missed anything?
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