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  1. I've encountered an issue with my Invision Power Board. It's really frustrating because it does affect all profiles - cover photos seem to disappear from time to time and a black field appears instead? I've established that the problem is because the opacity is set to 0.0001 in the HTML template, but I can't find where this template is so I can change it. Please help! Everything seems to be completely fine with default cover photos, but whenever someone changes their profile photo, this problem occurs.
  2. IPB all the way. I'm head over heels in love with this platform, it's neat, highly customizable and so unpredictable. I adore it!
  3. This one's a life safer. Thanks a lot!
  4. @Cookie Monster How is it the block called?
  5. http://prntscr.com/m85o2h The block shown on the picture is an announcements' block. I also have announcements on my forum, but they look.... in a certain way. Is this a whole another plugin and if so how can I install it?
  6. I searched, but nothing appears when typing Sing up and this is what appears on the search for login. http://prntscr.com/m4rg43
  7. Hm, could you please show me where is the search bar?
  8. So, I've been trying to translate my whole forum lately and it's a real pain in the a**, like for real. I'm translating using the quick translation tool and just when I thought I was finally done... I thought wrong. I don't know how could I translate the buttons in both the sing up and log in menus. Please, help me!
  9. Update: It indeed was a server-related problem, but therefore I fixed it. I just needed to change the permissions for the index.php file manually. Big shout out to @mojo187 for helping me fix it. Mark for best answer goes there!
  10. I don't really know? How can I see these things? Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but I'm not familiar with servers. I literally watched a tutorial on how to install the IPS Board.
  11. I'd rather stick with Fortnite, although I really enjoy the concept of PUBG as well. The thing I don't like about PUBG is the artwork and the thing I genuinely can't stand about Fortnite is the building aspect of it, because some people take advantage too often and forget about the whole PvP idea. In conclusion, nevertheless both games are fun to play - it's just a meaning of preferences and what you prioritize when it comes to gaming.
  12. Hello, everyone, One of my global moderators (super moderators) constantly gets this error while trying to create a new topic. ''Forbidden You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.'' Now, the thing is... no one besides her experiences this problem and I'm wondering what might potentially be the cause of it. I tried to expand the permissions for the group members even more, although the other moderators are members of the same group and yet haven't had problems while trying to post new content. There aren't any restrictions neither in the forum she's trying to post in nor in the site generally, we haven't set any posting requirements and the bad word filter isn't activated. Because the global moderators group a custom one and I had to create it manually, I've also added it as a staff group and gave full access to the people in the group. We've downloaded both the forum software and the additional applications from this website and I'd love to get support! Thanks in advance to everyone who's willing to help Happy day/night!
  13. Joanne

    IPS Questions

    I know basic HTML and CSS, I need answers.
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