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Everything posted by Xerin

  1. Using windows 10 professional for social , gaming othertimes using linux.
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey Hi, your problem may be a problem with the api key, if the api is not assigned to assign an api key. If you changed the domain you have to change your api key again.
  3. Xerin

    avatar size

    Check this tut :
  4. Did you check your API for correctly writing?
  5. Xerin


    Can you explain more? Is it script or just css block
  6. You can use this one https://nyqi.github.io/animated-tags/ Download first : https://github.com/Nyqi/animated-tags/raw/gh-pages/sparkles.zip then place it somewhere to your IPS FTP folder I placed it inside uploads folder. In next step you will need to go to your Admin CP, then go to Members > Groups > Select group you want to edit for animated tag > Click on Edit button > You will need to put this content inside Group Formatting Example <span style='color: #9572ff; background: url(http://your-website.com/uploads/sparkles/sparkle_purple.gif); font-weight: bold;'> (Remember to replace your-website.com with your website!) As color you can use HEX color, find colors here: http://www.color-hex.com/ and as sparkle image (in our example it was sparkle_purple.gif) you can use anything from this list: sparkle_green_light.gif, sparkle_blue.gif, sparkle_brown.gif, sparkle_red.gif, sparkle_green.gif, sparkle_lime.gif, sparkle_blue_light.gif, sparkle_white.gif, sparkle_yellow_light.gif, sparkle_grey.gif, sparkle_orange.gif, sparkle_teal.gif, sparkle_purple.gif, sparkle_yellow.gif, sparkle_pink.gif, sparkle_pink_light.gif, fire_navy.gif, fire_pink.gif, fire_orange.gif, fire_brown.gif, fire_purple.gif, fire_blue.gif, fire_lime.gif, fire_red.gif, fire_white.gif, fire_black.gif, fire_green.gif, fire_teal.gif, fire_grey.gif You can also remove font-weight: bold if you don't want to have your name bold. Taken from another forum.
  7. Its custom page and I think you need to Buy packet in cloudflare for like this custom firewall page
  8. Thank you for message , I understood. ?
  9. Hey, I want to use this application but I don't understand How can I use, I installed but I cant understand What he saying in description
  10. This plugin for mybb not IPS If I'm not wrong.
  11. Welcome to Webflake,
  12. Is your website offline?
  13. I know its looks bad, I'm just a little nervous, and thank you, forum problem fixed.
  14. From where ? I deleted from cloudflare
  15. I've changed the domain address of the forum and how all the logos and icons will work does not work. I changed the config global file but still hasn't improved
  16. I want to make like this page , How can I code or Which sources https://www.thecrewgaming.com/team
  17. Maybe you can change the author step by step with this plugin https://webflake.sx/files/file/4705-change-post-author
  18. Hey Rigao, Welcome to Webflake
  19. You need to change each category step by step, If It staying big, You can use https://resizeimage.net and http://www.picresize.com. You can resize easily. If you need more help, You can check https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/forums_337/settings-r11/
  20. You can't recovery deleted account. If I didnt understand wrong, You can merge or you can change topic author's with New account in admincp
  21. This plugin is usefull for creating info panel, you can open cover(background) photo and Open theme customization > Global > Plugins >Enhanced Info Panel. This codes are for customization If you know little bit editing and inspect, You can customize what you want. Its another custom panel :
  22. Actually Its not about price, This modification is need html knowledge. I think firstly learn and start html courses
  23. You need to code your self for own custom user panel. No one help you for free this custom design. So Hire some one Edit : This from nulled.to Now since they have a custom modified theme made by finndev i guess so but lemme tell you that its really easy if you would like to use the plugin called "Enhanced User Info Panel" it has lots of features like the above design and if you want to have the avatar background(cover) like that it can be done by overlaying the profile username on the background(cover) picture and then changing the opacity of the background picture. just some little tweaks for plugin and its done.
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