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  1. The issue is i would have to goto ACP everytime someone gets banned
  2. Yes i would love that Ama give this a shot and tell you what happens
  3. I do have a banned group but the staff would have to do that for each member banned from the community. (That's stressful)
  4. I would like to know how the mention feature work so that i can implement it in my chatbox. example this ==> @Kenroytk
  5. Which plugin could i use to getting it as i want.
  6. How do i fix it myself cause my template is heavily modified
  7. I have this annoying issue where i have to ban from ACP how can i change that?
  8. This here is what I am trying to achieve but I am lost in all this. http://prntscr.com/napg8j
  9. The align center has the icon of the align right. An easier explanation, when I click the button that looks like the align right it does the function of align left.
  10. I am on IPB 4.3.6 and Using the FLine gaming theme and i have this error where some of my editor icons are in the wrong place how would i fix this. There's a screenshot below. http://prntscr.com/n0yaky
  11. A Plugin called automation rule can do this but idk how to use it
  12. This it when i make a change. Now this is when i hit save
  13. So again i solved my own problem just by looking around webflake.
  14. @media screen and (min-width: 767px) { .ipsDataItem_subList li a:after{content:'';} /* Remove */ .ipsDataItem_subList li{ float: left; width:calc(100% / 2 - 5px); padding:2px; } .ipsDataItem_subList{ overflow: hidden; } html[dir="rtl"].ipsDataItem_subList li{ float: right; } .ipsDataItem_subList li a:after{ display: none; } html[dir="rtl"] .ipsDataItem_subList.ipsList_inline > li{ margin-left: 0; } } /* end of media-screen */ I removed a few things to get it working i removed the float: left; and the width: calc(100% / 2 - 5px); adn then added some changes to my css to make it display the way i want without even touching the HTML.
  15. I highly doubt that this can happen but the title will capture alot you guys eyes anyway, I would like to setup IPB 4.3.6 like this plugin here https://community.mybb.com/thread-88505.html its a mybb plugin but i see alot of forums with this setup which are IPB and, i would like to know how to develop it.
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