I know this is now old but it is still relevant and I can confirm this does still work:
var link = document.getElementById('lkCopyright');
link.style.display = 'none';
link.style.visibility = 'hidden';
Anyone else started playing this yet?
The interface feels a bit clunky to me. I know are bugs, but this should have been more refined.
Also, if anyone experiences the no audio but, just restart the game.
Really good ending. Sorry to see the end of that chapter. it has been one of my favorites for sure. Hopefully, the next chapter will continue and be even better than his phase.
The latest patch seemed to fix quite a few things. Especially Roosevelt Island on Challenge. Even at gear score 495, me and three other randoms couldn't beat it. Today we finally did.
If you get a switch, look into getting a mod chip. But only certain Switch's can be modded. Switch is a great platform especially if you want to take it with you.
I'm at level 18 now. Compared to the first Division, Division 2, it definitely helps to team up with a good bunch of people to complete missions and side missions.