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About nikolast178

  • Birthday 03/15/1996

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  1. If your WordPress (or IPS4) installation is on a sub-domain, you will need to edit your WordPress configuration to enable it to set Cookies on the root domain. Open "wp-config.php" and add this code to enable cookies in your WordPress: /**Enable Cookies*/ define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ); This SSO completely replaces the IPS4 public login system with WordPress, you cannot use any other SSO (including Facebook/Twitter/Google) – These SSOs would need to be set up in WordPress instead.
  2. I used 2OAuth Server to integrate IPS with WordPress and force users to sync their accounts from IPS to WP. SSO is a super simple script. Your biggest problem will be moving users from IPS, they need to have a WordPress account to use the integration fully.
  3. This is a small tutorial on "how to remove the intrusive text "Members Shop By IPSDev" text in your pages. 100% Work for Member Shop 1..1.6 For this lesson, we need the following things: - FTP (File Transfer Program) - and intrusive code! Let's Start! First, we will remove the text from the bank! Open your FTP and open "/applications/membersshop/modules/front/bank/main.php" and find: $output = "<div style='clear:both;text-align:center;position:absolute;padding-bottom:20px;width:100%;z-index:100; font-size:12px;' title='IPSDev'><a href='https://www.ipsdev.org/' target='_blank' class='ipsType_light ipsType_smaller'>Members Shop By IPSDev</a></div>"; and delete the code (personally I prefer complete cleaning of the code) or if you want to add PHP Comment with /** and */: WARNING: do not delete anything else ... /** { PHP code } */ The procedure is repeated with the rest of the files in a folder Font!
  4. Does anyone know how to create an ID link that links you to a specific point? Thanks!
    Can you add a version 2.0.8 ? Some things are missing from the theme - UI options for recommended & features comments missing. Checked version: IPB 4.4.2
  5. I try but nothing ... Maybe I need to buy a new TV ?
  6. After 4.4 I have the same problem
  7. Hello everyone, My name is Nikola, I'm 23 years old boy living in Bulgaria (Southeast Europe). I work in a railway company, drive trains and I love video games, horrors, and fantasy books. During my spare time, I work on a site (my childhood dream), at 13y, I made my first game (2D Shooter) with Game Maker and at 14 I made a chain of servers with name BG-GAMER - Counter-Strike 1.6 & GTA SAMP (RPG Server) but a few years later, everything stopped for lack of money. Now I'm starting everything from the beginning with new ideas.
  8. Hey, can you add English, greetings from Bulgaria!
  9. I try everything. The only way we could fix it, is by rebuilding the entire database from scratch. You can go back, just return the records!
  10. I have the same problem, I will find a way to fix it tomorrow...
  11. I have the same problem
    I have v4.3.6 but I can't upgrade to v4.4.2.The system says There are no applications available to upgrade.
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