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    Title says 1.2.0 but filename is 1.1.1 ?
    working on 4.4.4 fine Looking forward for the latest version
    Nice one! Thanks a lot for your upload. This app somehow clashes with Pages i,e, I can not create a new Page anymore. when i uninstall this app then its working again
  1. Oh LOL! It's working .... didn't read about refreshing the website AMAZING
  2. That's exactly what I was searching! I have tested it on 4.4.4 and it's not working :C Thanks for your help!
  3. The slider maker can only be used by admins I need something for the Editor and the Gallery ckeditor add-on ain't workin I am using 4.4.4 and what do you mean by "we have it for 4-3 ips- but it has not been updated for the new version"
  4. Hello, I have been checking out the CKEditor plugins but couldn't find a Caroussel/Slider plugin. Any idea what I can use instead? I mean even VBulletin got that (called Gallery there) I know IPS has a build in Gallery but what if u wanna display ur gallery in your topic? I understand that you can make an Album and then simply link it to your topic. However I haven't found a solution to do it straight from the editor Any ideas?
  5. IPS is lit It might not be as lightway as other software but hey... it comes with dozens of features
  6. Android is muuuuuuuuuuuch more customizable than iOS
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