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3 points
Version 4.3.3
This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as a widget, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Rules. Supports emoticons, URL, Images (GIF, PNG, JPG) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.2 points -
Version 2.0.0
This translation is for Brazilian and Portuguese forums. The translation is being done for some applications too, like Calendar, Pages, and some others that will be added in the new language update. You can check if there is a new version, and if so, probably some apps have been included for the translation as well.2 points -
Version 6.6.2
MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator as SaaS is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that leverages OpenAI's advanced AI capabilities to generate a variety of content types. Here's a breakdown of what this service likely offers based on the name: Content Generation: Automated creation of various types of content, which can include articles, blog posts, social media posts, and more. This feature is useful for businesses and individuals looking to streamline their content creation process. Text Generation: Generation of high-quality, coherent text for different purposes, such as marketing copy, technical writing, creative writing, and other textual content. Image Generation: Utilizing AI models to create images based on descriptions or predefined criteria. This can include generating illustrations, art, or even realistic images. Chat: Implementing conversational AI or chatbots that can engage in real-time conversation with users, providing customer support, answering queries, or facilitating interactive experiences. Code Generation: Automatically writing code based on user inputs, which can be helpful for developers by speeding up coding tasks or generating boilerplate code. SaaS (Software as a Service): Offering these AI-powered capabilities as a cloud-based service, allowing users to access and utilize these tools via the internet without needing to install or maintain software on their local machines. How to use this script ? You can follow the documentation HERE I have personally modified several files to make the application work without a security key (license). If you encounter any issues, please send me a private message or leave a comment below! Enjoy1 point -
Version 3.0.0
This app will obtain data from Steam for your users, and groups, and place it in your IPS Community database for use anywhere on your site. Your board will re-load your members Steam Online information, in configurable batches, every 2 minutes, so you always have up to date information without impacting load times of your community pages. Out of the box, this app will display steam information in the following places Member Profile Next to Members' posts Member Hovercards (Steam Online Status only) Widget: X Random Online Steam Members displayed anywhere you can place a Widget More detailed information about the members Steam profile is displayed on the Members Profile page. Including an optional list of games the member owns. Out of the box the list of games can be shown in either an image grid layout, or list view. Valid Steam Input format for Custom Profile Field: Steam Name: ex. ' Aiwa ' 17 digit Steam ID: ex. 76561197964468370 Old school Steam ID: ex. STEAM_0:0:21013211 point -
1 point
Version 1.7.6
Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help on their boards. Here's a quick rundown of some of the features of this resource: Ability to create categories/subcategories Extra Fields In Position form In Application form Ability to create open positions in draft mode and choose a date to automatically publish it Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, web designer, developer, etc) Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators. Ability to move the "winner" member to a group chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record) Ability to restrict the application by Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as a member, Minimum age, and groups Ability to create a topic at every new application submission. A module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.) Integrated into the framework: Tag system, Follow System, Report system, Search system, Share Links, etc. Moderator actions on applications and comments/reviews Moderator permission to approve/reject applications Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications Etc. Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permission) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.1 point -
Version 4.5.2
VideoBox is an application that allows sharing videos, the best choice to run your own Movies/TV Shows website. Features: 2 display modes: Grid view and list view. Categories/subcategories. Custom fields for video information. Protected custom fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video. Search videos by custom fields. Video Collections: create/edit/remove the collections for your videos. Widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in a slider, collections in a carousel, quick search by custom fields,... Pages system: easy to create a new page with custom content. Uploading or using external video URL (supports: mp4, m4v, webm, m3u8, youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion). Using VideoJS to play video formats: mp4, m4v, webm. Support VTT captions, and preroll video for advertising purposes *New* Watermark on the video player. Media Tags system to define your custom player embedded from any video services (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...). Live Streams from and Ability to post a topic when a video is submitted *New* Tags Filter *New* View video in lightbox *New* Friendly URL. Comment system. Rating system. The following system. Clubs Reactions Supports Nexus (Commerce) to sell and buy videos. *New* Supports all Points systems. *New* Points for new video Points for new comment Points for a new review Points for reaction Lazyload *New* Tags. Latest Videos RSS feed.1 point -
Version 4.7.13
Follow these steps to enable Developer Mode on your installation: Download the Developer Tools, making sure you download the correct version for the version of IPS Community Suite you are using. Developer Tools for pre-release versions may be available, so you may need to download an older version from the "Previous Versions" section. Extract the developer tools and move them to where IPS Community Suite is installed, merging with the existing files. There is a root "dev" folder, and "dev" folders for each application. If you do not have every IPS Community Suite application installed, you should delete the folders you don't need from the Developer Tools folder before copying. The presence of Developer Tools for uninstalled applications may cause errors. If you do not already have a constants.php file in the root folder of your installation, create one. Add the following line to your constants.php file: <?php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE );1 point -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
I've modified my previous plugin Download React to include two features: users have to like posts before downloading and share at least one file publicly. I'm not a skilled developer, so this is a very simple plugin. But it does what it says. Option to enable/disable buttons (refresh page and donate). Might need some design tweaking depending on how many buttons you disable Option to add a customized link if the donation button is enabled Option for admins and mods to bypass restrictions Option to change the FontAwesome icon used in the warning If the user hasn't liked the post or uploaded a file, no extra icons will show If the user has only liked the post or uploaded a file, icons will appear indicating which option still needs completion1 point -
Version 2.2.12
This theme is designed for users who are comfortable with XenForo theme development, as it is not the latest version. Notable Points: While the theme has a few minor issues, they should be straightforward to resolve if you're experienced in theme development. Please note that I won't be offering support or assistance with theme setup, as this is a free release. Feel free to explore and experiment with this theme as you see fit. This theme is requiring the following addons to work properly (Otherwise you will have blank pages): DBTech Credits AddonFlare Awards Landing Page This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original The landing page uses the original Forum Index, just with conditional statements to have a fake landing page, works great. Reworked Presentation Buttons Post/User Stats on Header Able to display a transparent logo/icon on the header Easy to edit the header, handled through two new Widgets Forum Index This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Tabbed Forum List Forum/Node Icons Member Showcase Panel on the sidebar Reworked Forum Statistics block Reworked User online block + Usergroup Legend Reworked Last Posted Info Reworked Subnode Info Reworked Tabbed Forum List Original Navbar with logo scroll animation Thread List Sticky/Normal Threads separated and changed icons. User Browsing Block on top Reworked Post Topic button Reworked pagination buttons Reworked Last Posted Info Subnodes are shown at the top of the thread list Each node is separated from each other, makes it look more organized Hover animations on nodes Postbit Completely reworked entire postbit as the original Credits Display Post Count Display Thread Count Display Joined Date Display Years of Service Modification (Months/Years) Postbit Background Modification Usergroup Display Award Showcase Staff Member Tag Top Member Tag (Based on conditional statement) Early Supporter Tag (Based on conditional statement) Post View This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Enhanced post top info bar with a staff tag, date and view count including a Message User Button Font size was adjusted to have better visibility A nice button bar on the bottom of the post view Enhanced Signature Box Profile Page This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Enhanced Online/Offline indicator Enhanced Spotify Playback (Tracks the user's current song listening) User Statistics Signature Display Award Display Years of Service Modification Top Member Display Staff Tag Display Early Supporter Display Usergroup Display Upgrade Page This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Added Coupon Redeem Input Field Nice looking upgrade plans component Upgrade Plans displays the user's username based on group styling Collapsible FAQ List Credit Shop This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Enhanced Product Cards Enhanced Shop Navigation Enhanced Wallet Widget Username Preview for Font Items Username Preview for Namepaint Items Username Preview for Username Items Award Page This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Tabbed Award List Enhanced & Reworked Award List Added Request Button instead of create thread to request (Like on original) Help Documents This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Added proper animation on card hover Added Create Ticket / Ask the community buttons Enhanced Help Cards Control Panel This template was enhanced to make it look better than the original Original Sidenavbar Added Font Awesome Icons to Sidenav Items Reworked entire Control Panel1 point -
Version 3.2.2
Do you feel limited by the tag system or prefixes? This application enhances IPS 4's built-in tag and prefix system. It adds custom styling and fine-grained control over prefixes, plus new settings, enhancements, and helpful moderation tools. Prefixes are explicitly created through the Admin CP and can be chosen from a separate prefix dropdown when creating a topic or other prefix-enabled content. Some of its features: Define all prefixes manually through the Prefix Manager--even for open-tag systems. Show common tags and prefixes across your site with the Tag Cloud Widget. Add, fix, merge, and remove tags and prefixes in bulk through the Tag Manager. Choose a prefix when posting any prefix-enabled content, separate from tags. Control where and how tags and prefixes are displayed. Add custom HTML formatting to your prefixes, allowing colors, images, and much more. Limit prefixes by member group and location. Require a prefix in certain forums*. Add tags and prefixes to topics in bulk with Saved Actions or the Mass-Add tool. Apply a prefix to topics imported from RSS. Set a default prefix and tags for all new topics in a forum*. Override the global tag settings by forum*. This lets you enter custom tags in some forums and not others, change how many tags are required, or have a prefix option without any tags at all. Display topic prefixes in the page title, last post info, and as filters under each forum's description, if you want.1 point -
1 point
Version 4.7.12
Dimension Dark by ipsfocus Dimension Dark (also available in a light version) is a theme for IPS.Suite which recycles your background image throughout the theme. The header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page once it has been scrolled, providing easy access to your navigation links. DEMO Theme Features Theme Settings Easily enable, disable, or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required. Fixed header on-scroll Once scrolled, your header collapses and sticks to the top of the page. The background image becomes blurred (in compatible browsers), placing focus on your navigation links. 'Inherited' background images Title bars inherit the same background image as your header, maintaining a consistent color scheme throughout your suite. The Customizer The Customizer allows your members to customize certain elements of your theme based on their own preferences. Background picker If enabled, your members can choose their own background image or color from a predefined selection. Their choice is saved via cookies and automatically loads each page visit. A "Random" option will randomize the background on each page load. Mobile Footer A sticky footer at the bottom of mobiles provides easy access to commonly used areas throughout your site. HTML logo with slogan Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Guest Message A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available. Latest Topic on Mobiles The latest topic title is visible on tablets and mobiles, allowing more convenient access to your latest content for mobile users. Social links Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc) Mega Footer A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings. Retina Ready All gradients, shadows, and icons are generated using CSS which means your site will look great on all devices - even those with high-resolution screens.1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Another type of database. Can be used for any structured documentation. Installation: 1. Create a page in Pages -> Page management -> Pages -> + Add Page. 2. Upload the database to Pages -> Content -> Databases -> + Create New -> Upload Database tab -> upload the Documentation.xml file. 3. In the public part, go to the created page and place on it a widget from the Pages -> Database -> Documentation block. 4. Configure the widget by selecting the Documentation database in the widget settings. 5. Use it. Checked on point -
1 point
Version 2.0.5
If you like what you see please give me that like! :)) ------------------------------------------------ ll ------------------------------------------------ Application Forms opens up a world of possibility for you and your community by designing, curating, and managing custom application forms. Application forms can be designed from scratch with an infinite number of custom field types in over 20 different types, enabling you to fill any need you or your community might have. Let your community submit their application for your position, proposal, project, or idea! Do you want to harness the power of your community for brainstorming ideas? Do you want to run contests where everyone must follow the same guidelines? Are you looking for way to interview new clanmates or members? Do you require a background check on new staff members? Do you want to receive new proposals that follow a structured template? If you need a way to ultimately manage user input in a methodical and orderly manner, then Application Forms is the best way to do it. Instead of wasting your time with forum posts where users may or may not follow your posting guidelines, require and draft a custom submission where users must follow your specifications. Field Types Application Forms features deep integration with native IPS functionality, giving you the design macro of all of Invision's custom field types: Address Checkbox Code Color Date Editor Email Address Member Number Password Poll Radio Rating Select Box Telephone Number Text Text Area Upload URL Features Application Forms lets you design an unlimited number of application forms with an unlimited number of fields. First define an application with advanced settings to describe the application and integrate into the rest of the suite. Then add new custom fields with the click of a button, drag-and-drop to rearrange, require certain fields, and define extra settings such as allowing multiple values on certain field types. Unlimited number of Forms Unlimited number of fields in each Form View all submissions in a table log From the table log, directly edit or PM the member Auto-link any new form to a new Forum Topic Auto-create a poll so your users can vote in the topic Only allow members to apply once Define member benefits such as promoting to a new membergroup Moderate Submissions in the ModCP1 point -
Version 1.3.7
(SD) Live Streams allows you to create your own Live Stream system that can compete with virtually any app/page that provides live video content. (SD) Live Streams allows anyone with permissions to add their own streams. The application does not have a copyright footer Supported platforms Functionality Create categories with permissions Any category recess Package creation Charge for adding streams Internal grant system Channels +18 years (including age verification) Comment on posts Highlight comments Messages in streams Chat z platform Ability to set the cover for the stream Ability to create topics when adding streams1 point -
Version 1.0.0
This add-on allows you to show off many different holidays with just a few clicks. Add custom holiday graphics while setting a cron based timer for the holiday to be viewed based on start/stop dates. Create your own holidays with just a few clicks while spreading the holiday cheer! Many other holidays to be added to this add-on in future releases! General Features: Create your own custom holidays with custom graphics Set custom holiday timers which start/stop the viewing of the holiday effects based on the dates specified Add a snow effect to the holiday itself which can be customized by adding custom snowflake characters based on the maximum, minimum, and regular count seen by users. Calculate start/end dates with callback’s Choose if holidays should/shouldn’t be automated Users are able to enable/disable holiday styling in their user preferences Use your own images for different holidays to be shown Many different icons included along with a custom snow effect1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Get everything you need to create a game portal or present your team, game tournament, and more. You also have many items specially created for gaming and e-sports sites, including lists of players, matches and tournaments and much more! Complete the game - get Overworld today. live demo theme1 point -
Version 2.4.4
BeMusic allows you to create your own music streaming website in minutes with no coding knowledge. It has an impressive feature set that rivals and even surpasses other biggest streaming services on the market. Admin Account/Area You can see a demo of admin area by logging in with username: [email protected] password: admin, note that destructive actions like deleting and editing are disabled on demo site and admin account will be reset every hour (playlists, songs, avatar etc will be detached or reset to default). Features Easy Installation – Install BeMusic easily with no coding or server knowledge in a few minutes with our easy to use installer and documentation Appearence Editor – Powerful appearance editor will allow you to easily change the look of BeMusic without any coding knowledge. Automated – BeMusic has access to millions of artists, songs and albums, all available automatically. Use as a CMS – You can easily disable all automatic data fetching and create everything manually , turning BeMusic into fully functional music CMS. User Libraries – Users can add songs, albums and artists to their library on BeMusic in addition to playlists. Playlists – Users can create, share and follow playlists. Player – Fully-featured player including shuffle, repeat, lyrics, queue and more. Artist and Album Pages – Automatically generated pages for millions of artists and albums have full discography, similar artists, advanced radio, biograhpy, images, genres and more. Single Page – BeMusic is a single page (ajax based) application, which means it has no browser page refreshes when navigating trough the application. Translatable – BeMusic is fully translation ready. You can translate it easily from admin area so there is no need to mess with config files or 3rd party applications. Responsive – BeMusic is fully responsive and will scale to the size of any device. Documentation – In depth documentation that explains everything from installation to all the features. User System – Fully featured users system with social login(facebook, twitter and google), normal login, registration, password recovery, profiles, account settings and more. Disable Registration – Registration can be fully disabled from admin panel so only users you create manually from admin panel will be able to login. Force Login – You can force users to login before they can access any of BeMusic features. Ads – 6 integrated ad spots. All you need to do is paste your ad codes in admin area and BeMusic will do the rest. Professional Design – Impress your users with a pixel-perfect professional design. Settings- Admin area is loaded with settings that allow you to customize the site to your needs. Analytics – Google analytics are integrated right into admin area so you don’t need to open a separate page to see how your site is doing. Multiple Homepages – Choose between multiple homepages including landing page, login page or your own custom html page. Context Menu – Fully integrated context menu (right click on song, artist, album or playlist) is available with many actions. This menu can be accessed by clicking ellipses button on touch based devices. Search – Powerful search that will find nearly any song, artist or album. Requirements PHP >= 5.6 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO Extension (enabled by default) php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default) MySQL, Postgres, SQLite or SQL Database Server.1 point -
Warz, it's crafted for all categoryes ( gaming / business e.t.c ) Info: - It's the first release, so if you see some bugs just give me a pm here. - If you want to change body / background / top / footer, give me a pm. - Theme it’s made with profile in topic ( so you don’t need to install plugins for that ) - For footer i used ( general statistics widget, members widget, who’s online widget ) - For sidebar i used ( top contributors, topic and post feed widgets )1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Getting permission error? Original Post: This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) Supports GIPHY plugin. Supports youtube. @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.1 point -
1 point
Version 2.1.1
With this application administrator can add the game servers, voice servers to table with servers, which can be displays on board index or on each page.Servers are refreshed automatically with using System Scheduler by IPB, so it reduces the load on forums. Can change server position by drag & drop. List format: Game Name - Relevant notes or information America's Army 3 Version 3.2+ - Default server query port is 27020 America's Army: Proving Grounds ARK: Survival Evolved - Server default query port is client connect port + 19238 Armed Assault 2: Operation Arrowhead Armed Assault 2: DayZ Mod Armed Assault 3 Server query port is server port+1 Battlefield 3 - Server default query port is client connect port + 22000 Battlefield 4 - Server default query port is client connect port + 22000 Battlefield Hardline - Server default query port is client connect port + 22000 Counter-Strike 1.5 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Source DayZ Standalone - Standalone version of Armed Assault 2: DayZ Mod Day of Defeat Day of Defeat: Source Garry's Mod GRAV Online Half Life 2: Deathmatch Killing Floor Killing Floor 2 - Server default query port is client connect port + 7777 Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Lost Heaven - Server query port is server port+1 Minecraft - Requires Minecraft 1.8+ Reference. Requires server settings: enable-query=true & query.port=25565 Multi Theft Auto Natural Selection 2 - Server query port is server port+1 Quake 3 Red Orchestra 2 - Server query port is 27015 Rust San Andreas Multiplayer - Player information will not be returned if count is over 256. Info Soldat - Server query port is server port+123 Space Engineers Starmade The Ship Team Fortress 2 Teeworlds Unturned - Server query port is server port+1 Unreal Tournament - Server query port is server port+1 Unreal Tournament 3 - Default port 6500 Unreal Tournament 2004 - Server query port is server port+10 Warsow Wurm Unlimited - Server query port seems to be 27016 regardless of the client port Supported Voice Servers List format: Game Name - Relevant notes or information Mumble - Default query port is 27800 Teamspeak 2 - Default query (master) port is 51234 Teamspeak 3 - Default query (master) port is 10011 Ventrilo - Version 3.0.3+ Requirements PHP 5.4.14 ( Tested in PHP 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 ) Bzip2 - Used for A2S compressed responses ( Extras you might need: Zlib - Used for AA3 (before version 3.2) compressed responses ( point -
Version 1.03
SiteCloner v1.03 Make Clones of any website SiteCloner is a PHP script which allows you to make copies, clones or archives of any website. It does not matter wether this website is made with regular HTML files or was built using a CMS like WordPress or Joomla; SiteClones clones them all! Support: PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, MySQL 5.x1 point -
Version 1.1.2
This application will allow your members to upload music tracks to play on their profiles with a nice tidy custom audio player Features Adds a custom java-script / jquery / Ajax music players to users profiles ( if they have uploaded tracks that is ) Allow your members to upload multiple music tracks to their profiles Adds a playlist with all their uploaded music allowing to switch tracks easily Easily edit the track names by clicking and holding the track name in the playlist without having to reload the page Easily re-position the tracks by dragging them and dropping them into your chosen positions The audio player has 5 buttons Repeat ( this will repeat the playing track ) Next ( skip to the next track ) Previous ( go to the last track ) Volume ( Toggles volume bar ) This will show and volume bar that you can drag with 2 more buttons allowing you to turn it up or down Play / Pause ( Does what it says on the tin ) Easily delete each track without having to reload the page ( this will show a pop-up asking to confirm the deletion ) Members can customize their audio player's button / volume / progress bar from a choice of 8 colors what are either solid or with a shadow Set auto play function so members' tracks will auto-play when the page loads Allow members to add other members' tracks to their playlists This will not duplicate or copy any audio files it will just add the ability for the track to be played on other members' playlists Tracks added to playlists via sharing will not count towards the user's uploads count as they are not uploading a new track Members can toggle the ability for other members to add their tracks to their playlists easily via the audio player When a member grants permission for their tracks to be shared a new add to my playlist icon will appear next to their track names If a member adds another member's track to their playlist and the uploader decides to delete their track, the track will also be removed from all playlists it has been added to Admin Member Group Settings ( These are set per group ) Can upload audio tracks Select the maximum upload size per track Select the maximum upload limit per batch of uploads Select the number of total tracks the member can upload altogether Extensions Members ShopAdd a item to the member's shop allowing you to charge points for members to upload tracks This will override all group permissions set except the total uploads per batch so if you only want to allow users to add tracks via shop items then you need to remove their permissions to use it and the item will be the only way they can add tracks0 points