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    Head Guru


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.4


    mdPanel is a material design inspired IPS theme. It comes with a palette and 6 awesome Light/Dark color schemes, Switching between color schemes is One Click in the theme settings, Without touching a line of code You can customize ALL front-end colors with well organized color settings. More Info
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Our Pick Enhancements This is a small plugin to enhance some features of the core Our Picks page. I have always felt that the default Our Pick's Page was a little disorganised and all over the place. This little plugin will change the default look to look a bit more appealing and organised. There are 4 settings to help with this: Header default Image: Select a default image for promoted items which do do have an image. Header Background colour: Change the background color if you do not want to display a background image. Display Extra info: Enable or disable showing the 'Picked By' author and date, Cover Picks Columns: Select the number of columns per row for each item.
    1 point
  3. Does anyone happen to have to updated version of Members Shop? I currently have v 1.1.5 but now 1.1.7 is released. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8833-members-shop/ Thank you
    1 point
  4. Follow this tutorial to get that to work.
    1 point
  5. Advertisements are less about leading members to another community and more about affording paying customers with a chance at increased traffic for their own community, while providing revenue for WebFlake. There's no guarantee of clicks much less permanent residence at the advertised site and since we aren't going to permit the submission of sites that are similar in nature to WebFlake, it poses absolutely no risk to us. Price is based on market value and is much more competitive than peer sites. WebFlake is averaging nearly 6k unique views per 24 hours with a sub-5% bounce rate in that same span. Great numbers for a site that has been declared "dead" by its competitors. As for why there is a price hike for the monthly term, it's to prevent a monopoly on adverts. Submissions are placed into a first come, first serve queue and will be rotated frequently.
    1 point
  6. Hello Name: Kleber I'm 43 years old I am an information technology support analyst. Mumistery site administrator and server administrator and server administrator.
    1 point
  7. TBT: My name is Davlin, and I'm a stud. I am a charismatic beast of epic proportions. I'm a hurricane of awesomeness. I'm the Rick James of the five finger slap. I'm the Chuck Norris of round-house kicks. I'm the chicken strips in your Kid's Meal.
    1 point
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