You can download with this link
1) Unzip CometChat
2) Upload cometchat folder in your root forum directory
3) Go for installing cometchat
4) Go to Admin panel
Login => cometchat
Pass => cometchat
5) You have all Features but if you don't have all features go in the left to Settings and General
6) under License Key put this key D2KBK-1GXGT-3OELN-RMCN0-SFP9T and update (now you have all Features )
7) Go in your Theme and "Edit HTML and CSS" under Global Template Paste this code after this Tag <head> and save
<link type="text/css" href="/cometchat/css.php" rel="stylesheet" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/cometchat/js.php" charset="utf-8"></script>
8) Refresh your web page, enjoy
PS: don't forget delete install.php file and change login and password for admin panel
1) My Admin panel isn't working correctely and cometchat not working
Go to Settings and General and under Base URL change with /cometchat/ or /forum/cometchat/ or change Where your forum is installed