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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 4.3.6


    IPS Community Suite 4.3.6 Released 9/20/2018 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance. As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.1.0


    This plugin removes the “Contact Us” text link in the footer and places a much more prominent sticky button in the bottom right corner. When clicked, it loads the regular contact form as a pop-up window. With this change visitors are more likely to reach out to you, e.g. with pre-sale questions. The plugin comes with lots of settings to make it fit your needs. The output is limited to one language though. No multi-language support. Live Demo What’s needed: IPS 4.2/4.3/4.4 Features/Settings: Button Change text Change background color Change text color Use user avatar or comment icon next to text Contact Form Contact form title Add additional description text above form fields, e.g. to tell users in which cases they should use the form. Success message after submit Visibility Choose groups which will see the button Choose if the regular Contact Us text link in the footer will be hidden or not Hide on phones yes/no Hide on tablets yes/no Hide on desktop yes/no Note: The text fields are not translatable. Only one language is supported at this time.
    1 point
  3. Hi Question 1: Guest can visit store , this is not problem but I don't want guest can order. Because I blocked space(blank character) in account name(example : test test) but still people can register account name with space character . Because they can register on order page. So , how can disable guest orders ? Don't misunderstand me. I don't want block them for store. I just want force register before order. Question 2: I logged in with admin account but I can't see widgets bar. There is no bar icon on left.
    1 point
  4. Login to your ACP -- Go to Members Settings -- Profiles -- Profile Setting and select Group Formatting to Global at the bottom of the page. And Save. Done.
    1 point
  5. 2, but it really depends on the situation.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for the update I've been trusting this site for long time, and will always trust this site. thanks for existing :))
    1 point
  7. Version 4.2.2


    What is it? Itzverified is a small photo verification plugin. Your members can request a verification code in their settings. Now they can upload a photo where they must hold a paper with the verification code on it and start the verification process. After submitting the file your moderators will be informed via a notification message about the new submited verification. They can now go to the mcp and verify if the code on the submitted photo equals the code the member got before. If true your moderators can verify the user what does not mean even more than the user becomes a member of a configured group. If the user is a member of the preconfigured group all other members will see a checkmark next to the username like you know it from confirmed profiles at facebook. You can configure the color and type of the displayed icon. You can also add custom icons that you can relate to your members. These icons will also be displayed next to the username in hovercards, member profiles and forum posts. Important: Use version 4.2.1 if you have ipboard 4.3 or greater installed. Otherwise please use 4.2.0. Create and use custom icons (since 4.2.0) Create Icons Login into your ACP and go to Community > Verification > Custom Icons Click Create New Fill in the required fields and other things you want to customize Press save Relate custom icons to your members Login into your ACP and go to Community > Members Select the user you want and press Edit Select the tab Verification icons and relate your custom icons to the member After saving the icons will be displayed next to the member's name
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Each picture have a file with 20px and 64px Format of picture is .png Sintax is like this 1_grinning.png and [email protected] i made each category for all pictures like emojione show in his website.
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin allows the forum administrator to setup codes for his groups to be purchased with. Setting up a shop that a member can go and buy a code from for a certain group, and then they apply the code and it will place them in said group. Each code works once, and can be pruned in the ACP
    1 point
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