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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 2.0.3


    This plugin will create a new topic every time a user gets warned. If the user was already warned, a new post on his topic will be created. Settings: Topic/Post Author Topic Title Post Content, with several variables to be used Increment author content count Forum (where to create the topic/posts) Groups (users that will have a topic created when they got warned)
    1 point
  2. Version 2.0.1


    Slider Maker is an application that allows you to create professional sliders, responsive layout and touch support for mobile devices. You can manually build your sliders by adding images, videos, content, animated layers. Or adding slides automatically from Clubs, Forums, Downloads, Calendar, Gallery, Pages, Videobox. It’s focused on performance, stability, accessibility to providing the best experience for user experience in mind. Providing a clean and intuitive user interface in ACP and a smooth experience for the end-users. Back-end features: Create and manage sliders with a clean and intuitive user interface in ACP. Customize the slides with different layers: Heading, Content, Image, Video (Youtube & Vimeo). Sort slides and layers with a simple drag and drop. Easy remove or duplicate a slide. Auto builds a slider from content items (supports Clubs, Forums, Pages, Downloads, Gallery, Blog, Calendars, Videobox). Auto generates random CSS backgrounds for content items that have no images. Export and import allow you to create backups or move sliders between installations. Preview all your changes directly in the ACP. Breakpoints to change the configuration of the slider depending on screen size. Permission to view sliders. Front-end features: Fully Responsive Touch swipe Transition effects: Fade & Slide Carousel layout Animated and static layers Full Width and Full Window Full screen Auto Height Infinite scrolling Keyboard navigation Thumbnails Lazy loading Video support (Youtube and Vimeo). Different sized images JavaScript breakpoints Display slider in IPS widget (top, bottom, sidebar), or using slider's code to templates to display it everywhere. *NEW* Viewing content in a popup (supports Downloads, Forums, Pages, Calendars and Videobox) Examples: http://demo.ipsviet.com/slider-maker/example1.html/ (Gallery with animated layers and thumbnails) http://demo.ipsviet.com/slider-maker/example2.html/ (Slider with animated layers) http://demo.ipsviet.com/slider-maker/example3.html/ (Carousel) http://demo.ipsviet.com/slider-maker/example4.html/ (Auto get contents from Forums) http://demo.ipsviet.com/slider-maker/example5.html/ (Auto get contents from Videobox)
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    iO Dark Mode ThemeHouse - create a dynamic forum with this minimalist, bright dark theme. With concepts based on Apple's interface, your forum will be sleek and fun. Make iO unique with category bars that automatically change color based on your primary brand color. Built using UI.X 2, pure typography, material icons, page animation when the page loads, and more.
    1 point
  4. PayPal Chargeback @yerrrrrrrr @Reverse Gaming @ReverseGaming @SwearOnYeezy @Logicv2 Name Alex Abbott Address 9 Heron Rd Norwalk, CT 06855 Phone TBD Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Website http://rvs-gaming.com/ IP Address 2603:9000:8f0d:4000:* Ban Reason User purchased a copy of our WebFlake Trackers Bundle using an alternate account (after being previously banned for having upwards of a dozen accounts) and then filed a PayPal dispute claiming the item "isn't as described". Another case of attempted fraud that simply won't work but still results in another ban.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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