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  1. Head Guru

    Head Guru


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  2. mr-pimpen



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  4. RehGuedes | devlong | IV?️

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Find the licence in the database via phpmyadmin and remove it.
    2 points
  2. Hi,i can't find that award system,can someone know it?
    1 point
  3. The licence is in the core_sys_conf_settings database table. Should be around line 136 in the table. That is no reason to down vote someone. Sometimes it takes more then one post to resolve issues, you should know this.
    1 point
  4. the the retail version i beleave you need the key but we do have the other copy where you did not need the key you should have download that copy ummm
    1 point
  5. Go to your ACP -- Member Settings -- Profiles -- Scroll down to Group Formatting then select Global and Save. Then also go to Support -- Something isn't working to clear your cache. See if that brings it back.
    1 point
  6. Version 2.4.0


    A full-featured Tutorials/Article system for your IPS Community. Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this application: •Fully compatible with IPS 4.2 (Clubs, Recommended Comments, Content Message, etc.) •Unlimited categories of articles, plus unlimited depth of parent-child relationships •Category Icons •Ability to use comments system or support topics, or both •Per-category permissions to show category, read articles, submit articles, add comments, and avoid approval queues •Extra Fields that can be used per-category •Quick edit (ajax) of tutorial's title on category view •Preview the tutorial content when you hover the tutorial link on category view •Group permissions on specifc actions •Integration with the Advertisements system •Integration with the Bulk Mail system •Integration with ACP Live Seach (Tutorials categories) •Integration with Tag system •Integration with Report system •Integration with Search system •Integration with Share Links to share, download, or print articles •Integration with Sitemap system to include tutorials in your sitemap •Moderator actions on articles and comments •Ability to create RSS feeds of all tutorials •Ability to attach files to tutorials and comments •Ability to quickly convert a forum post into a new tutorial •Ability to copy a tutorial from one category to another or to the same category •Friendly URLs for tutorials and categories •Ability to give reputation points for tutorials •Ability to rate tutorials •Ability to follow categories and tutorials to receive notifications on updatesupdates •Tools to create topics to existing tutorials, make tutorials of topics and rebuild support topics text if you have changed the template on Tutorials settings. •And much, much more! Compatible with IPS 4.4 ONLY
    1 point
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