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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2019 in all areas

  1. There are a lot of members that are posting support requests regarding problems during upgrading their suites. To prevent more topics from being opened in the support section, I'll have a guide on how to upgrade your forum correctly. Things Needed; Shared Hosting or Virtual Server Knowledge of Cpanel's File Manager Follow Instructions Instructions; Head over to the IPS Community Suite and download the latest WF version - https://webflake.sx/files/category/147-ips-community-suite-44/ Once you have downloaded the latest version, log into your hosting control panel. Find and open file manager. Go into the directory your IPS Suite is in - This is usually public_html, /community/, /forum/, or /forums/. Click Upload. Select File. Find the IPS Suite archive you've downloaded from WF. Upload it. Once it has been uploaded, refresh the directory. You'll see the archive in your directory. Right click and click "Extract". All of the folders from the archive will be extracted into your directory. It will be in a folder with the title of the archive to keep it organized. Go into the folder inside your directory. Holding the Ctrl key, click all the files. Once they have all been highlighted, drag them into the directory your IPS Suite is in. The old files will be overwritten. You will have to change the permissions of the following directories to 777 - /applications/, /datastore/, /plugins/, /uploads/, and /uploads/logs/ - To change the permissions, right click on those directories in the file manager and click Change Permissions. Check all of the check boxes. Open a new tab and enter your forum url into the address bar. Before you hit enter, type the location of your IPS ACP followed by the upgrade directory - /admin/upgrade/ Using an administrator account, follow the upgrade steps. Instruction GIFs;
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    It relies almost 100% on Bootstrap 3 with minimum overrides and it’s 99% tables. If you are familiar with Bootstrap 3 it’ll be like fun dealing with this MyBB theme. This is clean, basic version (default-blue), but it has four more color combinations: Green Orange Purple Generic uses different css files related to colors, depending on what color combination you wish to edit. Features: Sidebar/Full width. Font Awesome icons. Supported MyBB Plugins. Very original and unique Dark Flat Forum look. Beautiful, professional Header and Footer. Customized for both classic and Modern Postbit. Social Share included. Custom, beautiful Editor. Extensive Documentation. One of the best Responsive/Mobile look among MyBB Themes.
    1 point
  3. Version 2.0.6


    updated for 4.4
    1 point
  4. This tutorial will show you how to change the title of the Chatbox for your community. I am using version 4.4.0 of the Chatbox for 4.4. I am sure this would also work the same on previous version of the Chatbox and IPS. 1. Login to your ACP 2. Go to your theme and go to use the Search function under Templates and type in chatbox 3. Then go to bimchatbox -- front -- chat -- main 4. Search for <div>{lang="chatbox_title"}</div> and change that code to <div>ENTER NEW TITLE FOR YOUR CHATBOX HERE</div> 5. Save. And your done. Your Chatbox will now be called whatever you have put into the field above showing wherever you have your chatbox located Note: You could even do what I did and center the title. You could also use any other html code to change the color of the text etc. Just change the code to this: <div><center>ENTER NEW TITLE FOR YOUR CHATBOX HERE</center></div> Enjoy!
    1 point
  5. add this to yoru custom css .catheadtext a:link, .catheadtext a:visited, .catheadtextcollapse a:link, .catheadtextcollapse a:visited { font-size: 14px !important; } change 14 px by was you want
    1 point
  6. @gmamirel Have you enabled the group color to show around your forum in the ACP? Go to your ACP -- Member Settings -- Profiles -- Scroll down to Group Formatting then select Global and Save.
    1 point
  7. You can't recovery deleted account. If I didnt understand wrong, You can merge or you can change topic author's with New account in admincp
    1 point
    Very Good theme , working Great thnx
    1 point
  8. This code displays the results as shown in the picture <ul class="ipsDataItem_stats"> {{$count = \IPS\forums\Topic::contentCount( $forum, TRUE );}} <li><span class="ipsDataItem_stats_type">{number="$forum->topics"}</span> <span class="ipsDataItem_stats_type">{lang="{!# [1:topic][?:topics]}" pluralize="$forum->topics"}</span></li> <li><span class="ipsDataItem_stats_type">{number="$count"}</span> <span class="ipsDataItem_stats_type">{lang="posts_no_number" pluralize="$count"}</span></li> </ul>
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.1


    This plugin will show how many time each member spends logged into the site.
    -1 points
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