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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 2.6.5 - 4.4.10


    Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme. A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style. Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site. View demo - veilon.net Login and Pass: test View demo - veilon.net Settings
    2 points
  2. Version 4.4.10


    Invision Community Suite 4.4.10 WebFlake Release Date: 2/20/2020 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Adds link to your profile on Discord social network in IPS Community Suite footer. Work exactly the same way as standard Facebook, Twitter or Google profile links.
    1 point
  4. 431 downloads

    Warz, it's crafted for all categoryes ( gaming / business e.t.c ) Info: - It's the first release, so if you see some bugs just give me a pm here. - If you want to change body / background / top / footer, give me a pm. - Theme it’s made with profile in topic ( so you don’t need to install plugins for that ) - For footer i used ( general statistics widget, members widget, who’s online widget ) - For sidebar i used ( top contributors, topic and post feed widgets )
    1 point
  5. Got it now, thank you. And I don't mind it changing the Base text color as it makes the text easier for people to read when it is white in a dark theme.
    1 point
  6. it would be in the front end color or the txt look for Base text color but that will change all the colors on your theme
    1 point
    You have this hook in hours to?
    1 point
  7. Version


    Introducing the fan favorite UI.X for XenForo 2. Based off of the tried true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent, performant, perfected design. Modern tools that increase user interactions, familiar user interface based on Google’s ever popular Material design, and the backing of a team well-versed in the XenForo software make UI.X a wise choice for any forum. ThemeHouse has been building products for XenForo since day one of the software’s release and we aren’t going anywhere. Just a minute to install, a few clicks to easily change images and colors in line with your brand, and you’re off and running. And if you ever have a question, we’re here to help. Coming from XenForo 1? As a thank you to all those who have stuck by UI.X, those with an active license receive 50% off when upgrading to UI.X2. Just use coupon code UpgradeUIX. If you have ever purchased a UI.X product, we have a 20% even if its inactive, just use coupon code UpgradeUIX20. Google's Material standard integrated Setup and ready to go in minutes Hundreds of new settings Millions of customization possibilities Optimized for big boards as well Node grid customization options
    1 point
  8. Version 1.1.2


    Infraskew is a universal style for the IPS Community Suite 4.2 forum. A unique footer, a news sticker, a slider, templates for applications and much more.
    1 point
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