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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 1.4.5


    Note from WebFlake Staff: Unlike the version you'll find on other, less reputable websites, this does not require a license. You're welcome! Synopsis Automatically update/modify content and member attributes, statuses, and properties Automatically send emails, create conversations, and send notifications Add your own custom data fields to any content, categories, or members Build relationships between fields and content to keep data synchronized Create rule sets that work together to form automated workflows Define your own custom actions that can be used in rules Schedule actions to happen at specific times (one-time or recurring) Schedule bulk processing routines for content and members on your site Share and refine your rules with other communities using import/export Example Rule #823: This will send all new members a welcome email after their first post. Example Rule Set #56: Rules also allows you to attach new “custom data” fields to any member, content container, or content type in your system which you can use to create all new features and behaviors on your site that go beyond what was ever imagined with the core IPS suite. For example, you can create a new “integer” data field for members and call it “Prestige”. Then you can create a rule such as: Congratulations, you’ve just created a brand new type of reputation system. And to take that example a step further, you could write another rule such as: You have just created a whole new social promotion system within your community! The possibilities of what you can do with rules are only limited by your imagination. Expansion Packs (plugins that add ECA's to apps): Forums Calendar Pages Commerce Enhanced Applications (apps with customized ECA's): Group Collaboration Account Deactivation by Makoto Forms by Mike John Advanced Path Aliases Points Economy iAwards by -RAW- Rule Packs (pre-built customizable rules): Rules Starter Pack Member Pip Ranks System Auto Join Collaborations Move Topic Between Collaborations 8 Hour Lock Forum Game Topic Ban Members Rules Cookbook on IPS Guru Notable Features Over 500 built in events, conditions, and actions for stock IPS products and contributed apps. Rule actions can be configured to happen in real time or at a future time. Schedule and unscheduled actions from inside of rules or manually through your ACP. Built in lists of “replacement tokens” for including variable data in text entry fields (like email content) Fully extensible by other apps and plugins to add new tokens, events, conditions, and actions. Look for Rules Expansion Packs in the marketplace which add new events/conditions/actions. Create your own custom actions within the rules app which can be invoked by rules. Create your own custom data fields for any entity on your site to manipulate with rules. Rules can be grouped together into rule groups and rule sets for easy management. Easily import and export rules and sets to share with friends or distribute as your own rule packs. Built-in rule debugging console for full visibility of what your rules are doing on your system. Built in rules error and performance logging console. Complete Stock ECA List: New in Version 1.1.x New range of custom data input fields for public/admin use Limit custom data fields by category/container Set member group permissions on custom data fields View complete overview summaries of rules and rulesets Choose content items from autocomplete form input New in Version 1.2.x added ability to manually schedule custom actions added ability to schedule custom actions on a recurring basis added ability to bulk process records with custom actions added new table filters to scheduled actions page New in Version 1.4.5 (fixed) Bug with recurring scheduled actions becoming stuck (fixed) Bug causing custom action argument config to be missing object types (fixed) Bug causing prefix tags on content being dropped after using update tags rules action
    2 points
  2. Version 4.3.6


    IPS Community Suite 4.3.6 Released 9/20/2018 Please note the following: This distribution is not nulled. This is not recommended for use with live environments. A license key will be required.
    1 point
  3. What Console do you use? Or what is better?
    1 point
  4. 525 downloads

    Well what can I say this is well just wow and hell its mybb Very nice template indeed Remember to like if you like guys
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Zeron - is a unique style of play, executed in a very pleasant dark tones with a large number of settings
    1 point
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