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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 2.1.4


    Adds a widget showing all staff online.
    1 point
  2. well im busy here adding content. and yes Angel my good wife is still doing graphics. was goin to start a site but time and work always seem to take over. wow I knew it was you by your typing I never forget.
    1 point
  3. Hello and welcome to the site we Hope you enjoy your stay with us and make your project successful.
    1 point
  4. I think its just greed I know that some are just trying to make a living but then they think well il just charge what I want because there a people willing to pay and there are no restrictions. But then you get guys like us that add content for free for all to enjoy.
    1 point
  5. Show thank you for the help I am very happy with the result
    1 point
  6. is this what you need wbflake
    1 point
  7. you can use this it will do just about the same thing login-to-view-full-content just change the 300 to what ever you want
    1 point
  8. 66 downloads

    Stunning template here all
    1 point
  9. Version 2.2.0


    Add a message only visible to guests explaining the benefits of registration to guests.
    1 point
  10. Version 4


    This plugin will display products from your Store on a widget in two ways: New Products or Featured Products. Plugin settings: Type of products to display: new or featured products Groups allowed to view the block Commerce related setting: New Products: Show up to X products added to the store within the last X days Requirement: Commerce application Notes: The carousel will not turn on unless you have more products than will fit inside the widget. It also will not magically turn on if you shrink your browser width. The carousel determines itself whether to enable or not when the page is first loaded.
    1 point
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will not permit that topic authors rate their own topics.
    1 point
  12. Version 2.0.1


    Will display the member's theme on topics. If the user who is browsing the topic isn't allowed to use a specific theme, will be displayed the default theme name instead.
    1 point
  13. 291 downloads

    Get the complete Automation Rules family of products for a bargain price. What's Included --------------------- Automation Rules - FULL - 1.4.4 $35 Value Commerce Rules Expansion - 1.0.2 $55 Value Calendar Rules Expansion - 1.0.2 $15 Value Forums Rules Expansion - 1.0.2 $15 Value Pages Rules Expansion - 1.0.1 $15 Value Bonus Content --------------------- Rules Starter Pack - 1.2.0 Rule Pack - Member Pip Ranks System 1.0.0
    1 point
  14. Version 1.4.0


    Trophies and Medals is the best new way to award trophies to your community in a full rewards system! It offers a fun and engaging new way to give awards ("trophies and medals") to your community to promote positive behavior and more active participation! You can assign new trophies based upon conditions or criteria that you define, or you can let your moderators manually give medals for unique circumstances! Trophies and Medals also includes advanced integration with REST API and Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile so the app can be extended for unlimited possibilities. Are you looking for an awards app where you can automatically give awards, trophies, and medals based upon forum posts, topics, and more? Are you looking to increase repeat engagement by giving out rewards? Or are you struggling to grow your new community? Are you looking to add gamification features to encourage positive behavior like quality posting? Are you looking for more features beyond the IPS Leaderboard to customize the levels, types, and images of awards? Are you looking to monetize your community ($$) and add bonus features for paying members? Are you looking for a well-supported app by a IPS third-party developer who passionately loves supporting the IPS community? Start creating a full awards system with Trophies and Medals by @Fosters! The Basics Trophies - Trophies are automatically awarded based upon criteria. The criteria are defined by the admin in the ACP. Medals - Medals are manually awarded by moderators, administrators, or groups who have permission. Medals are assigned on the front-end. The application supports both trophies and medals for both auto-awarding and custom awards! Trophy Filters Build a rich and advanced awards system with a nearly limitless variety of choices to help you promote the most awesome community you can! Create sets of new trophies based upon various criteria, and layer them with other sets to create a whole system of awards! The criteria system uses native IPS 4 extensions for deep integration, and more criteria can be added in future releases. Let us know what criteria you need . Member Criteria User is an Administrator User is a Moderator User has Avatar User does not have Avatar Registered for X days User is in Group User is in X clubs Content Criteria User has X content User has X reputation User has given X reactions Downloads Criteria User has uploaded X files User has file with X downloads Gallery Criteria User has uploaded X images User has uploaded X albums Forums Criteria User has started X topics User has posted X posts User has X best answers Commerce Criteria User has purchased X product Integration The app features extensions with various third-party systems to empower advanced admins and developers to get more out of the app. REST API. These are the available REST methods: POST /trophies/awardmedal GET /trophies/medals GET /trophies/medals/{id} GET /trophies/trophies GET /trophies/trophies{id} Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile -- Link to IPS Marketplace Referrals by @Fosters -- Link to IPS Marketplace Member Shop by @TheJackal84 -- Link to IPS Marketplace What's New in Version 1.4.0 See changelog Released Sunday at 07:05 PM IPS 4.3.0 compatibility release
    1 point
  15. Version 2.5


    All in One SEO Pack Pro is the popular WordPress plugin for managing the Search Engine Optimization of your website or blog. All in One SEO Pack is the most downloaded plugin for WordPress with over 14 million downloads to date. Chances are you've searched Google and found a website that's running this powerful WordPress plugin. Demo
    1 point
  16. Version 1.0.0


    by GRETZKY
    1 point
  17. Version 1.4.64


    GameCP is a web-based PHP & MySQL control panel for game & voice servers. You could call it a 'game panel', 'game control panel', 'game hosting control panel', 'game server control panel', 'gameserver panel' or 'game server panel' but we like to call it GameCP. This nulled release permits you to have 9999 Windows machines and 9999 Linux machines. Also has AddOn for Removal Copyright notice Demo: https://gamecp.com/assets/screencast.webm
    1 point
  18. There have been a lot of questions about custom designs on our website and rather than repeating ourselves over and over, we're pinning this topic as a reminder. We simply do NOT provide any support for questions about customization on WebFlake. These designs are made to help make WebFlake unique. An example would be questions about our Feature Plan, which has been created by @ Tony. If Tony chooses to release a paid version or a tutorial, then you can use that but until then we're not going to provide support on how to replicate it. We also won't tell you how to copy our theme, that's just silly. This does not mean that you cannot request support for files that are available to download for free. You are always welcome to open a support topic if you have an issue or a question about a file found in our downloads system. If you are not sure whether your question is acceptable, please send a message to one of our Staff members to be sure. Please remember that we do not offer support though private messages.
    1 point
  19. Version 1.0


    Userbars used on ForumCore.
    1 point
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