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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2018 in all areas

  1. You can download with this link 1) Unzip CometChat 2) Upload cometchat folder in your root forum directory 3) Go for installing cometchat https://yoursiteweb.com/cometchat/install.php 4) Go to Admin panel Login => cometchat Pass => cometchat 5) You have all Features but if you don't have all features go in the left to Settings and General 6) under License Key put this key D2KBK-1GXGT-3OELN-RMCN0-SFP9T and update (now you have all Features ) 7) Go to Administration control panel and click on the Appearance tab. Select Templates and search for PAGE_CONTAINER and open it for editing. Paste this code immediately after <head> tag and save your settings. <link type="text/css" href="/cometchat/css.php" rel="stylesheet" charset="utf-8"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/cometchat/js.php" charset="utf-8"></script> 8) Refresh your web page, enjoy PS: don't forget delete install.php file and change login and password for admin panel Troobleshooting: 1) My Admin panel isn't working correctely and cometchat not working Go to Settings and General and under Base URL change with /cometchat/ or /forum/cometchat/ or change Where your forum is installed
    1 point
  2. Version 1.3.2


    Darkness Theme Lite Simple and beautiful dark design without features, it's just simple and for low budget. VIEW THE DEMO Test user: Login: Demo / Password: demo
    1 point
  3. Version 1.1.1 - 4.2+


    About This File The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors. We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail. We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.2.0


    About This File (1.)2.0 is here, no idea why we jumped to far but why not! http://area-games.ro/demo Demo account: Username: test, password: test Please pay attention to the ACP instruction while working with the slider! For the slider we chose let your work with JSON to allow you to add as many slides as you want! This is a example of JSON for your slider: { "Crankchips": { "text": "This is v1.0", "button": { "text": "Check this out!", "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/" } }, "Crankchips v2.0": { "text": "This is v2.0" } } This is a example of JSON code for a slider with 2 slides. The objects inside the first (main) json ( defined by an opened curly bracket => { ) must have this specific form: "Crankchips": { "text": "This is v1.0", "button": { "text": "Check this out!", "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/" } } "Crankchips": { "text": "This is v1.0", "button": { "text": "Check this out!", "link": "https:\/\/www.puffysticks.com\/" } } Where "Crankychips" is the title of the slide, and the object after the colon ( : ) are the properties of the slide, the first property is "text" which represents the content of your slide, the second property ( which is also an object ) is "button" which has properties too, those being "text" ( again but as property of the "button" object ) which represents the button text on which users will click to read more about your slide and the "link" property which represents the link where the users will be sent to when clicking the button. The title and property of every slide should be passed through an online JSON escape tool like this one! If you are one of the first 10 buyers contact us about a freebie. It's free!
    1 point
  5. Version 1.1.1 kIsSwdev


    Demo 2 > https://codecanyon.net/item/hellovideo-video-cms/11149598
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is the first version of a gaming theme. Was created for a romanian gaming community, but we decided to switch the theme with a more simple theme. If it's something missing and doesn't work, just post a comment and i'll try to update and see what's missing. In the near future maybe i'll update this theme with the pop-up profile.
    1 point
  7. Version 3.4.5


    [RO] Acesta tema fost creata de catre aLen!Over! > Scripter PHP < Nou versiunea este fixat ori ce bug Acest tema foloseste forum >> https://www.play4cs.ro/forum/ << [EN] This theme was created by aLen!Over! > Scripter PHP < New Version Fixed Other Bugs This them using forums >> https://www.play4cs.ro/forum/ <<
    1 point
  8. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
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