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  1. Tony



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.1


    This plugin will show how many time each member spends logged into the site.
    1 point
  2. Version 4.3.6


    IPS Community Suite 4.3.6 Released 9/20/2018 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance. As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
    1 point
  3. Version 4.2.8


    IPS Community Suite 4.2.8 Released 3/6/2018 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance. As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.10


    This plugin generates fake visitor and member sessions to recreate the environment of an active community.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.2.3


    The theme of «Surface» is a fully modernized design IPS in different colors. We tried to make the best design and make it easier to customize style, so have worked out every detail. We wish to make as high quality a product as possible and «Surface» will reveal it. Also in the archive are present: Skin Images (4 custom guest message cover backgrounds) Click here for demo! Articles Body Settings Buttons Settings Custom Settings Forms & Toggle's Forum Nodes Front-End Colors Guest Message Header NavBar Profile Footer Slider Social Icons Title's & Widget's Topic View Typography Version 1.2.3 - 4.3 Global Update What's new: Fixed all bugs that people have found CSS & HTML code optimized Added goTop button Added Button Waves Effect Added new userinfopane types Reinterpretation Design Elements: Fonts, Settings Added new the design of the profile Flipping style elements with flexbox Flipping style elements with all articles blocks And much more...
    1 point
  6. yeah i have make some change so the domaine was unreachable, but is good now
    1 point
  7. You can do this using Login Handlers. You can use another Invision Community as a login handler. You’ll be able to use a different account on a different community, however they’d have to make an account on Community A and link it to an account on Community B and vice versa.
    1 point
  8. Version 2.0.0 & 1.0.8


    About This File This plugin will hide links, code, images in forum posts automatically. Members can use REACTIONS or REPLY to see the hidden content. Features: - Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments - Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content. - REACTIONS or Reply to see the hidden content. If you use IPS 4.1.x, download 1.0.x versions. If you use IPS 4.2.x, download 2.0.x versions. (Click the "Change logs" button to select versions to download) https://www.virustotal.com/fr/file/3b1e6121ff96d28495e24c7b44dcd27fdf3a88b16291e6e8b8613a7d630ae4b8/analysis/
    1 point
  9. 495 downloads

    About This File Hello everyone! What about to change your user info panel view? Would you like to make it look modern and professional? Here is a cool script with 3 different styles and some cool team icons. What is included: 2 Versions for white and dark designs. Member's Exp: Based on IPS progress (pips) can be placed with modern style. Member's Rank or Custom Title (that already exists) can be placed with modern style. Members Posts. Member's Reputation with color. Member's Number. Member's Days Won with gold color. Member's Status (Online-Offline with colors "red-green") Member's Joined date. Member's Age. Custom Profile fields display format. BONUS: Team icons. #TIP: You can hide any information you want for mobile version by changing the class: ex: What can be added: Anything that exist on IPS can be added on user info panel also: Like Member's Followers, Last activity, etc. Just request it and you will get it for free. You can add / replace the font-awesome with your own. Find them here: http://fontawesome.io/icons/
    1 point
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