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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2018 in Posts

  1. Now using a cluster for WidgetBot. Defaulted a few profanities/slurs to mod queue. This means any content containing prohibited terms, such as racial slurs, will now be held for moderation. We're no longer going to overlook masked vulgarities. Donators now have access to all request forums (IPS/XF/WP/Web), as well as the Website Showcase. Basically, every group except Newbies and Members can create new topics in the above forums. Newbies and Members can respond to website submissions, however. Removed old 4.3.x compatibility alert from IPS Support given that it's been stable for quite some time. View full release
    1 point
  2. this question have been already asked and i have given the right answer, anyways again check below > goto your theme and click on edit HTML/CSS > now goto CSS Tab > find bimhidecontent.css > open it and you'll find some code, replace that code with this below .bimHiddenBox { background: #212327 !important; /* you can change with your color you want */ /*border: 1px solid #212327;*/ /*color: #000 !important;*/ } #bimHiddenBoxLine{ border: 2px solid #212327; /* you can change with your color you want */ } baam you can now see it perfectly
    1 point
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