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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2016 in all areas

  1. Go to applications --> serverlist --> tasks Find: if(!\IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('serverlist') OR !\IPS\Settings::i()->gs_sl_enabled): Change to: if(!\IPS\Application::appIsEnabled('serverlist') OR !\IPS\Settings::i()->sl_enabled): I upload the file again
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Purchased this $99.99 theme myself, felt like sharing with you people. Be sure the smash the button if you like this theme. ________________________________________________________________ Live Demo Sales Page
    1 point
  3. Version 1.8.6


    No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math. No spam bots signups, no spam bots posts. Hook uses invisible tests to stop spam bots at the IP.Board. Anti-spam features of the hook Stop spam bots at registrations. Stop spam bots at the topics. Allow guest posting on the forum without CAPTCHA. iPhone/iPad, Android app to control registrations and posts at the board. Anti-spam hook info We have developed an anti-spam hook for IP.Board that would provide maximum protection from spam and you can provide for your visitors a simple and convenient form of posts/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. Used to detect spam multistage test that allows us to block up to 100% of spam bots. The hook is a client application for cloud anti-spam service CleanTalk.org, which are daily protects 5k web-sites from spam bots. Also you can use CleanTalk app for iPhone/iPad to control anti-spam service on web-site or control posts and signups at the board. The CleanTalk is premium anti-spam for IP.Board, please look at the pricing. We try to provide the service at the highest level and we can not afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of providing anti spam protection. Paying for a year of service, you save a lot more and get: Up to 100% protection from spam bots. Simple and convenient form of commenting/registrations without captcha. Always actual and regular updates. Technical support. How can I test anti-spam protection? Please use email [email protected] to test anti-spam for singups. Should I use another antispam hooks? Use other antispam hooks not necessarily, because CleanTalk stops up to 100% of spam bots. In some cases serveral anti-spam hooks can conflict, so it will be better use just one plugin. Troubleshooting Guide Anti-spam by CleanTalk support forum If you're having trouble getting things to work after installing the hook, here are a few things to check: If you haven't yet, please upgrade hook to the latest version. If you have error '*** Forbidden. Enable JavaScript. Anti-spam service cleantalk.org. ***' please check JavaScript support in your browser and do JavaScript test at this page Check out JavaScript support. If you have spam signups or posts please check the Access key at hook settings. The key should be same as you can find in service Control panel. Additional features Online, daily and weekly anti spam reports traffic VS spam. Apps for iPhone, Android to control anti spam service, comments, signups, contacts. With traffic and spam statistics for last 7 days. Anti-spam apps for most popular CMS on cleantalk.org. What's New in Version 1.8.6 Improved SFW table existing check and creation.Changed connection test method.
    1 point
  4. Lol, thanks. I need to search better haha
    1 point
  5. Enter the server IP and the type of game. A bug pops up because you have not added any server
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This mod will let you add Text, HTML and PHP widget IPS4's blocks. also you can disable PHP widget from Admin CP How To Install You just need install the plugin (Admin CP > System > Site Features > Plugins > Install) Forn on Github
    1 point
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