Version 1.0.2
Thank you for downloading this little hook, I hope that you and your community find it useful.
I was looking for a block that would fit my needs regarding displaying new posts and I found the default Topics and Posts block lacking.
This hook is based around (but not exactly like) Headstands ‘Recent Posts’ Sidebar block for v3.14.
I developed this for my own community. So, in the spirit of open source, I decided to release this hook/widget to spare other's looking for something similar and be charged a small fortune at the same time.
This hook is for displaying a block of the latest (last) posts posted on your forum. Very much like the IPB community Topic block, but instead of showing the topic originator, the last poster information is shown instead.
This block comes with the following abilities:
Custom block Title: I hate having to go into the language files just to edit a title. Probably won’t help with translations, but that could be changed later.
Selectable forums: Select which forum’s you wish to display posts from. Your members will only see the posts that they have permission to view.
Number of Posts: Select how many posts you wish to display to your members.
Member Avatar: Select whether to display member avatar or not.
Topic Post Count: Select whether to display a post topic count next to the title.
Post Comment: You can display a post teaser in the same way as the IPB Post widget and control how many lines of the post comment you wish to display.
This is the first version and no doubt could contain some bugs or as I like to call them, misplaced code and coffee driven lapses.
If you have any questions, issues or bugs. Feel free to leave a message on the IPB community board.