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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.4


    Category Tabs for IPS Community Suite 4 is a simple plugin that will convert all or specific forum categories into a tab system. Clicking a new tab will hide the currently shown category and then instantly load the new one. Category Tabs is fully responsive and comes shipped with five different tab styles. Features Five unique themes to choose from By choosing default, it adapts to all your Themes. Highly recommended. Add an "All" tab which will show all categories Choose which groups have access to Category Tabs. Assign specific categories to tabs. Align the tabs left, right or center. Integrated with IPS4 Localization THIS IS A NULLED PLUGIN, Please do not mess with the license details in plugin settings. picture from my person website:
    3 points
  2. Version 2.0


    I'm back with an update at my skin, Weker.Ro Dark v1.5 . Updates: - font awesome added ; - more images added ; - resolved bugg's . Enjoy ! Dont; be leech, touch +1 ! Please keep the copyright !
    2 points
  3. Version 2.1.6


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This Replaces the standard "Moderator Team page" in the forums/elsewhere, with a custom Page, One Where in the ACP you can assign any groups you want to be displayed and in what order they are displayed. You can also add members to groups and hide them as well. Features: Adding any Group to your "Moderator Team Page" Altering What order the Selected Groups display Easy drag and drop ordering When No groups are chosen, it Defaults to the IPB internal or If the application has been disabled. pseudo change the "title" for groups from group name to whatever you wish. Secondary Groups (if enabled, will search secondary groups of members for groups). Hide Members (you can now choose to "hide" members out of groups). 2 layouts: New Style, works similar to how IPB 3.3+ renders its team moderator page with pagination, Old Style, how custom moderator team page works now, creates individual blocks for each group. add a member to a group.(it will be a pseudo add like changing the group name, they will not inherit the permissions from the group they are displayed in). on the display page, you can now choose to show either the user group or their title, and either their join date or last active time. added settings module can organize members by name,group,join date, last login date, and then sort them by asc or desc. new administrator restrictions available.
    1 point
  4. Version 3.1.3


    About This File [b]Awards allows forum administrators to reward their members with awards in honour of their special accomplishments. To know all of the features Awards has to offer, read below.[/b] [b]Features List (** Full Version Only)[/b] [*]Awards Listings Page [*]AJAX Powered "View Awarded" on listings page [*]Topic-Post View [*]Profile-Tab view [*]Ability to temporarily or permanently remove awards from members [*]Add notes when you award members [*]Categories [*]Bulk Awarding [*]Public Awarding ** [*]Signature View [*]Badge Awarding ** [*]Auto Awarding ** [*]Achievement System ** [*]MultiAwards ** [*]User Notification [img]http://assets.bravenet.com/common/images/forum/icons/4/thread_new.png[/img]
    1 point
  5. Version 2.0.2


    Updated version of (NB34 Clan Wars)
    1 point
  6. Version 1.3 Exo


    Update!!! Site; exoanime.com /// Themes Support; www.facebook.com/exoanimecom sent messagge problem solved. :))) ExtraAuthorİnfo İnstall fixed postbit. http://s2.dosya.tc/server2/4okzc3/extraAuthorInfo_long.zip.html Update postbit. "extraAuthorInfo_long.css" rar input. Global Template (-) <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Anime and Hentai"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Anime,Hentai,Download"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Exo"> <h2 style="text-align: left;">ExoAnime.com</h2> Fixed(Error^^) The source of the error is the standard theme. Default Theme should never edit the deck. If it is old, it should again. While a new theme, you must copy the standard theme. and Default Tema Open > Edit > Core > Front > Messaging "Copy" "Copy the contents of the section. Paste the contents Exo Theme." Exo Tema Open > Edit >Core> Front> Messaging "Paste" Problem Solved^^ Fixed(Error); Sorry, there is a problem The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information. Error code: 2S119/1 ---
    1 point
  7. Version 1.5


    This is a skins edited from Carbon Red by me . Please keep Credits ! Live demo - www.weker.ro . For more skins , visit us at www.weker.ro ! The password from archive is : www.weker.ro
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0


    This package includes instructions for [b]IPB ONLY[/b] but you can still download these images and use them however you want. [b]Install:[/b] 1. Upload the contents of the upload folder to your boards directory.(If you are using an image set different to master you will need to edit the name of the folder in upload/public/style_images) 2. Login to the ACP. Now create or edit a members group. 3. Now in "Group Formatting Prefix" put:[code=auto:0] <span style='background-image:url({style_images_url}/group_backgrounds/IMAGE_NAME.gif);'> [/code] 4. Change the name of the image to the image you want to use such as "sparkle_blue.gif" (You can find the full list of image names below) 5. Now in the "Group Formatting Suffix" put:[code=auto:0] </span> [/code] Done! Created and uploaded to WebFlake.net by GWAVE. [b]FULL IMAGE LIST[/b] fire_black.gif fire_blue.gif fire_brown.gif fire_green.gif fire_grey.gif fire_lime.gif fire_navy.gif fire_orange.gif fire_pink.gif fire_purple.gif fire_red.gif fire_teal.gif fire_white.gif sparkle_blue.gif sparkle_brown.gif sparkle_green.gif sparkle_green_light.gif sparkle_grey.gif sparkle_lime.gif sparkle_orange.gif sparkle_pink.gif sparkle_pink_light.gif sparkle_purple.gif sparkle_red.gif sparkle_teal.gif sparkle_white.gif sparkle_yellow.gif sparkle_yellow_light.gif
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Tema ucore ciordita de MR.KENZOR si MR.HACK Y!M [email protected] - [email protected]
    -1 points
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