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  1. viper



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  2. Luca Munich

    Luca Munich


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.5


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will restore the BEST ANSWER feature from IP.Board 3.4. It will allow topic starters and users from selected groups to mark a post as best answer. A tag ANSWERED will appear on forum view to show which topics are resolved. What's New in Version 1.0.5 Fixed error on User Profile -> Activity -> Topics and selection of ALL GROUPS in Groups allowed to set topics as Answered setting
    1 point
  2. Version 1.3 Exo


    Update!!! Site; exoanime.com /// Themes Support; www.facebook.com/exoanimecom sent messagge problem solved. :))) ExtraAuthorİnfo İnstall fixed postbit. http://s2.dosya.tc/server2/4okzc3/extraAuthorInfo_long.zip.html Update postbit. "extraAuthorInfo_long.css" rar input. Global Template (-) <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Anime and Hentai"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Anime,Hentai,Download"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Exo"> <h2 style="text-align: left;">ExoAnime.com</h2> Fixed(Error^^) The source of the error is the standard theme. Default Theme should never edit the deck. If it is old, it should again. While a new theme, you must copy the standard theme. and Default Tema Open > Edit > Core > Front > Messaging "Copy" "Copy the contents of the section. Paste the contents Exo Theme." Exo Tema Open > Edit >Core> Front> Messaging "Paste" Problem Solved^^ Fixed(Error); Sorry, there is a problem The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information. Error code: 2S119/1 ---
    1 point
  3. hi my name viper i like look of this nice site...
    1 point
  4. Go to your "Menu manager" and reset to default configs
    1 point
  5. Why not going for a like only system @Phun?
    -1 points
  6. i'm just not a lover of a karma system on every forum i see it being abused.
    -1 points
  7. Let's see how it works, i hope it isn't easy to gain next rank.
    -1 points
  8. we both are donators and still see nothing!
    -1 points
  9. that's kinda a ripoff but okay!
    -1 points
  10. Now the next thing that is left get more activity going :D
    -1 points
  11. That is not helpful at all. I asked for a non-Invision solution.
    -1 points
  12. So I am currently unable to afford IP.Content and was wondering if there was a plugin out there that could achieve something similar. New to IPB and did about five hours of searching many sites but found nothing so I figured I would ask.
    -1 points
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