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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 1.03


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will enable/check the checkbox NOTIFY ME OF REPLIES on new topic/reply form, regardless the 'Automatically follow content' notification setting of the user. Setting: Groups that will have the checkbox enabled NOTE: If you got the error 1S111/1 mkdir(): No such file or directory when installing this plugin, simply uninstall it and reinstall it. It will work just fine.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.5


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. The plugin adds the button to easily return to top of page. It is slightly modified plugin (SB) BacktoTop • changed color and position of button; • fixed translation. Translation key is BacktoTop_title.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.1.0


    A simple application forums icon, which will replace the standard icons on his own. This application makes it impossible to establish their own icons for each section forums . Installation is made through AC - Applications - Install. Replacing icons is necessary in pairs ( for the states of read and unread , except the forum - redirect )
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will make all links over your community act like a rainbow when link is hovered.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.01


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will allow admins to start a conversation with members directly on their profiles on Admin CP. What's New in Version 1.0.1 Added Notification to the plugin: if enabled, the user will receive an email informing about the message.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Deflection theme from ipb 3.x.x now avaible for ipb 4.0.x If you find some visual bugs please tell me and i will try to resolve it. The sidebar profile is a customization for my own forum(maybe soon, i will post a tutuorial about how to add it), but the theme have a customization for tha chatbox with what the chat looks like shoutbox.
    1 point
  7. Thank you soo much @Phun
    1 point
  8. findicons, iconfinder, google images or for font icons there's icon fonts like icomoon and fontawesome.
    1 point
  9. Version 4.0.2


    This mod allow your members to hide part of the content in their posts so other members will need to reply to the topic before being able to see the hidden content. Thanks to a powerful custom BBCODE plugin the number of file edits needed is reduced and the plugin has an internal cache to save all the topics checked each session which will reduce the number of queries used. Thanks to that only one additional query is used when viewing a topic and sometimes no queries at all!Features: No file edits (makes use of the hooks system) 2 options to specify who can bypass the reply check: groups & member IDs All IP.Board default areas are covered Topics (Print & Download included) Profiles (both Topics & Posts tabs) Search (hide bbcode content is stripped from results) Quoting replies for both ajax & non-ajax quoting (hidden content is stripped) Topic Summary (below the editor while replying) Email Notifications (both Forum & Topic subscriptions) Custom BBCODE button in the editor to quickly insert the hide tag Full support of the new IPB 3 feature "BBCODE aliases" so you can specify other tags as well as the default [hide] (This is especially useful for those people that have used the Unreal Hide Hack mod on IPB 2.x and so have the tag [hide_me]) Easy integration with 3rd party mods that displays IPB topics & replies IP.Board Mobile skin is covered as well What's New in Version 4.0.2 -Fixed a fatal error when hidden content is added to a Questions type forum -Fixed activity stream in 4.1 showing hidden content after editing a post
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Brave is a dark IPS theme perfect for gaming sites or clan communities. Your members can customize the header themselves by choosing their own image from a preset array! Any negative points fake is reported to management
    -1 points
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