I think it is most helpfull:
Donations are needed to get the site running, servers cost some money and many ppl download files for free
to have more free things, they need to buy payed ones, that they can give us here to have more free content
As most of those social free sites are set up for helping, it isnt bad to have a little more money
think how much content is here if you would need to pay for all of it you would need to pay hundrets and thousnds of dollars, most better styles are payed, most widgeds are payed (best 50$ at lest)
So i realy dont unserstand why many ppl, say donation sucks - 1st - you dont need to donate this site is still free, 2nd - no one says you need to donate to use this site most feauters are still on, and even w/o donating you can use it w/o problems.
"don't be a leach"