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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.2


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Widget shows information about logged user. What's New in Version 1.0.2 Added thousands separator for posts and reputation points Guests see the login and registration buttons instead posts and reputation points
    3 points
  2. Version 3.0.0


    The FAQ System allows Administrators to create custom questions and answers and display them anywhere on their site. Uses the full IPB Editor Group Questions into FAQ Collections to show different questions on different pages Display Collections easily on any page, in any IPS component Answers are displayed in a popup window so users are not taken to another screen
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Plugin allows you to see the details of the picture in the gallery as a magnifying glass.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Plugin adds the ability to submit messages by ctrl+enter. What's New in Version 1.0.1 Added PM support
    1 point
  5. 878 downloads

    Hello there webflake. I've decided to post this skin myself before another guy takes credit for it, as already started, someone trying to sell a RIPPED skin of it for 20 euros, yea, I'm not kidding. True story. Anyway, let's speak about the skin itself, is a extreme modification of an old skin which I've been using for the last 3 version, V1 was a white skin, so it went from white to dark. Also the editor was edited by myself too, now fits perfectly with the current skin, the editor is included in the download. [b][color=#59b300]LIVE VERSION:[/color][/b] [url="http://forum.agamers.ro/"]http://forum.agamers.ro/[/url] [b]FEATURES:[/b][list] [*]Hide specific categories. [*]Menu is fully responsive for the desktop devices. On smaller screens the menu doesn't follow the scroll, because.. trust me, it's better. [*]Sidebar panel on the Index. [*]The bar with user functions like Edit/Delete/Hide stays hidden till you move the mouse inside. [*]The user bar, Welcome name, Messages, Notifications moves from position, on the index is on the sidebar, on any another page, it's up. [*]Many more. [/list] [b]INCLUDED FILES INSIDE THE DOWNLOAD:[/b][list] [*]Skin [*]Images used on the skin [*]Replacements [*]Screenshots with the skin [*]CKEditor edited to fit the skin [*]Rank icons which are live on my forum [*]ReadMe. [b][i]You should read this if you wanna use it.[b][i] [/i][/b][/i][/b] [/list] [b][b]SCREENSHOTS:[i] [/i][/b][/b]Added on the file info.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Staff edit: This does NOT work on ANY 4.1 version of IPB. It was made for 4.0! Simplistic, minimal yet professional IPS4 Theme for your website.
    1 point
  7. It is problem. :P Then you must upgrade (if you can) or in datastore folder open all files with Notepad++ or other program and change all urls because domain name missing in there or after domain hasn't a slash "/"..
    1 point
  8. @ansube your datastore files messed up. Yeah 777 permission doesn't good to every files because hackers can change everything. :P Folders can be 755 and files 644 but this doesn't fix your issue everytime. I had also this problem when changed domain and when installed fail a plugin or theme. For now, try these. Upgrade your forum if isn't newest. Delete your custom plugins Change your theme Change conf_global.php file if you changed domain If it does not work then I will give you other suggestions. :)
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. The Upgrader / Installer will check permissions and Show you, what directories need to be writeable. Following directories need to 777ed: /datastore /uploads /applications /plugins
    1 point
  11. Items in blue must be CHMOD 0777, or fully writeable (IUSR_<server-name> "Full Control") on a Windows server. Items in black must be CHMOD 0755, or normal values for a folder on a Windows server. Items in red must be CHMOD 0777 (or fully writeable on a Windows server - IUSR_<server-name> "Full Control") for installation, and then can be CHMOD 0644 (or normal values for a file on a Windows server). Items with * must be recursively performed to affect all sub-folders and files. admin blog colorpicker fonts cache * ccs_files * conf_global.php converge_local downloads * hooks * interface ips_kernel lofiversion public ipc_blocks * js min resources style_avatars style_captcha style_css * style_emoticons * style_extra style_images * screenshots * uploads *
    1 point
  12. Version 1.1


    This is the darkrage skin edited to GameLife. I changed colours I added Font Awesome I changed images I fixed some bugs of this skin Some rights to DarkRage Theme Owner. Some rights to HuntsMan (Me) for editing and fixed.
    1 point
  13. Version 1.4.2 (Build 2)


    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Shoutbox is a feature-rich Shoutbox system for your IP.Board. Shoutbox will enable your users to send shouts to each other and allow others can read them. Your very own micro-blogging system, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency![/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [b]Compatibility: [/b] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [b]Support:[/b] [url="http://invisionfocus.com/support/"]http://invisionfocus.com/support/[/url] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Please note: Will need be signup for any support and all update files will be posted here at IPS and Invision Focus.[/font][/color]
    1 point
  14. Example of what the footer will look like:http://i.imgur.com/b55slsy.png How To:1) Log into your ACP and to click on the 'Look & Feel' tab. Chose the skin you want to add the footer to.2) Click on 'globalTemplate' and find the following code: <if test="showdebuglevel:|:$this->memberData['member_id'] and $this->settings['debug_level']"> <div id='ipsDebug_footer'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['time_now']}</strong> {$footer_items['time']}Once you've found that code, add the following code above the code you just found: <!-- Footer --><div id='siteinfo' class='main_width'><div id="siteinfo-company" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-community" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-social" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-account" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-content" class='right ipsPad_double'> <h3>Site Info</h3> <p class="copyright">&copy; 2012 - 2013 <a href="#">Your Site</a><br><!-- Copyright Information --> <p id='copyright'> </p> <!-- / Copyright --> </p></div><!-- Footer end -->3) Once done with that, save your progress. Then, head over to the CSS tab and click on 'ipb_styles.css'On this step, you can add this code anywhere you want, but I suggest adding it near the bottom. /* Footer */#siteinfo {color:#888;line-height:20px;overflow:hidden;margin:0 auto;padding:10px 12px;}#siteinfoa {color:#5A5A5A;border-bottom: 1px solid #5A5A5A;display: block;}#siteinfo a:hover {color:#000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;display: block;}#siteinfo>div {float:left;margin-right:15px;}#siteinfo>#siteinfo-content {float:right;margin-right:0;}#siteinfoh3 {margin-bottom:8px;border-bottom: 2px solid #d9d9d9;padding-bottom: 8px;font-size:18px;font-weight:400;}#siteinfo li,#siteinfop {list-style:none;font-size:12px;line-height:150%;}/* Footer end */4) Save your footer and you're done!Note: You will need to change the <a href="#"> in the footer HTML in order for the links to work. Hope you found this useful. :smile:
    1 point
  15. Version 1.0.0


    It's the first original version DarRage . ! ShadowMD stolen directly by me . header and logo have changed ! the rest is all original! Enjoy is hot !
    -1 points
  16. Version 1.0.2


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Navigation Icons by IPS Themes is a tiny plugin that adds the ability to specify a different icon for each of your top-level navigation links. The plugin utilizes the Font Awesome icon library which is already built into IPS4. That means the plugin adds virtually zero overhead to your site. Features Specify unique icon for each of your top-level navigation tabs Autocomplete list with ability to search through hundreds of icons directly in the ACP. Utilizes the Font Awesome icon library that's already built into IPS4. What's New in Version 1.0.2 - Fix icon limit issue- Updated font awesome icon selection to include new icons
    -1 points
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