Hello there webflake. I've decided to post this skin myself before another guy takes credit for it, as already started, someone trying to sell a RIPPED skin of it for 20 euros, yea, I'm not kidding. True story.
Anyway, let's speak about the skin itself, is a extreme modification of an old skin which I've been using for the last 3 version, V1 was a white skin, so it went from white to dark. Also the editor was edited by myself too, now fits perfectly with the current skin, the editor is included in the download.
[b][color=#59b300]LIVE VERSION:[/color][/b] [url="http://forum.agamers.ro/"]http://forum.agamers.ro/[/url]
[*]Hide specific categories.
[*]Menu is fully responsive for the desktop devices. On smaller screens the menu doesn't follow the scroll, because.. trust me, it's better.
[*]Sidebar panel on the Index.
[*]The bar with user functions like Edit/Delete/Hide stays hidden till you move the mouse inside.
[*]The user bar, Welcome name, Messages, Notifications moves from position, on the index is on the sidebar, on any another page, it's up.
[*]Many more.
[*]Images used on the skin
[*]Screenshots with the skin
[*]CKEditor edited to fit the skin
[*]Rank icons which are live on my forum
[*]ReadMe. [b][i]You should read this if you wanna use it.[b][i] [/i][/b][/i][/b]
[b][b]SCREENSHOTS:[i] [/i][/b][/b]Added on the file info.