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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin adds a line behind the member’s post count in their posts with the current warning points. It brings this feature from the old 3.4.x.It was built for IPS, I don’t know if it will be compatible with older versions.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.1.4


    About This File This plugin only works for IPS 4.x. Client who purchased (BIM34) Topic Thumbnail and are current with renewals, will get a free copy of this version, if they agree to the renewal terms. (This promotion will expire at the end of April 2015) Main Features: Display thumbnails of topics on the main forum view. Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumbnails. They can choose a thumbnail from images in topic content, or from an external URL, or they can upload their images. For the new topic, the first image from the first post will be set as thumbnail automatically. Abitily to generate thumbnail from youtube & vimeo in topic content. Using ajax, no need to reload the page after changing the thumbnails. Support "Gallery View Mode" with big images in responsive grid. (Using masonry grid layout) Widget "Customizable Topics Feed" to display new topics with thumbnails. Replace Forum Icons with Topic Thumbnail. Permissions for viewing and changing thumbnails. A Toggle Show/Hide for members. Standard view: Live Demo: http://ipsviet.com/forum/198-paid-products/ Gallery view: Live demo: http://ipsviet.com/forum/190-tutorials/
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This app helps administrators to look through logs and solve common problems with IPS Community Suite. Basic version lets you to look through logs, clear them, clear cache and rebuild search index. Coming soon: Pro version can show you system information (RAM, SWAP, Disk Stats, hardware info and so on) on application's mainpage.
    1 point
  4. Version 3.0.0


    The FAQ System allows Administrators to create custom questions and answers and display them anywhere on their site. Uses the full IPB Editor Group Questions into FAQ Collections to show different questions on different pages Display Collections easily on any page, in any IPS component Answers are displayed in a popup window so users are not taken to another screen
    1 point
  5. Version 2.0.4


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Adds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This simple plugin allows you to set the default skin for ACP, independent of the front theme.
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.1


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. Adds poll votes to your activity stream. Additionally, if you have iAwards you can add awards to your activity stream. It will not display votes in profiles but will display awards for that specific member. See the screenshot for examples.
    1 point
  8. I suggest the following which worked for me. Open the Photoshop program folder and open the Plugins folder. Move all the plugins to a separate empty folder on your desktop. Be sure there are no files in the Plugins folder Next restart Photoshop 2015. If it opens correctly replace the plugins, one by one, into the Photoshop Plugins folder and restart Photoshop 2015 after each individual replacement. When Photoshop 2015 stops starting correctly you have found the offending plugin(s). After doing the above I found two plugins that caused my problem. Downloading updates for the offending programs that were created to solve Photoshop 2015 plugin problems and installing them solved the issues for me so I can use those plugins again. Also I found this program Photoshop Fix Toolbox https://www.fixtoolbox.com/photoshopfix.html
    1 point
  9. After updating the software, you should restart the computer once. I think after @Stake™'s comment, your Photoshop CC is fine. :)
    1 point
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