Version 3.0.1
[color=rgb(28,40,55)][font=tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif][size=3]
This mod let your members choose a "mood" to display in the profile and in their info panel in topic view and other areas like announcements or calendar events.
[*]Coded as application, to disable it simply disable the application itself
[*]Ability to select which groups can display and change the mood, secondary groups are checked too (useful to restrict spammers or banned users)
[*]Ability to select on which skins the dark theme images should be used (useful if you have both light and dark skins enabled)
[*]Ability to select which skins do not show the moods
[*]Global dropdown menu, near the notifications icon in the member bar, to change the mood quickly with an ajax popup
[*]Mood is shown in Topic View and in every other places which uses the template "userInfoPane" (calendar events, announcements, etc)
[*]Additionally to the views above the Mood is shown in the ajax Profile Card and the Member Profile too!
[*]Every time the mood is shown in the page your members can click on it to change the mood (useful if you are away from the global dropdown at the top)
[*]If the mood of the member is shown several times in the page it is updated real-time everywhere without reloading the page
[*]New TAB editing a member in ACP to edit the mood (no additional file edits, it makes use of the plugin system)