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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Step:1 Go to ACP > Customization > Themes and Select the skin you wish to edit Step: 2 Find postContainer in the templates Step: 3 Look for <li class='cAuthorPane_photo'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"} </li> Step: 4 Replace it with <li class='cAuthorPane_photo'> {template="userPhoto2" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'variable', $comment->warningRef()"} </li> Step: 5 Create New HTML Template Name: UserPhoto2 Variables: $member, $size='small', $warningRef=NULL, $classes='', $hovercard=TRUE Location: Add To an existing location Existing Location: front Group: Add to an existing group Existing Group: global Application: System Step 6: Find HTML template "UserPhoto2" and paste the following code into it {{if $member->member_id and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members' ) )}} {{$memberURL = ( $warningRef ) ? $member->url()->setQueryString( 'wr', $warningRef ) : $member->url();}} <a href="{$memberURL}" {{if $hovercard}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target="{$memberURL->setQueryString( 'do', 'hovercard' )}"{{endif}} class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_{$size}{{if $classes}} {$classes}{{endif}}" title="{lang="view_user_profile" sprintf="$member->name"}"> <img src='{{if $member->pp_main_photo}}{file="$member->pp_main_photo"}{{else}}{file="$member->photo"}{{endif}}' alt='{$member->name}'> </a> {{else}} <span class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_{$size} {{if $classes}}{$classes}{{endif}}'> <img src='{file="$member->photo"}' alt='{$member->name}'> </span> {{endif}} Step: 7 Find custom.css and Add this line of code below .ipsUserPhoto_variable img, img.ipsUserPhoto_variable, .ipsUserPhoto_variable:after { width: 170px; {{if theme.rounded_photos}} border-radius: 0px; {{endif}} } after you have completed all the steps above the results should be like this below
    1 point
  2. Version 2.0.1


    Application gives posibility to create custom pages with forum view.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.1


    This plugin adds message stats to You can show the total amount of messages, and the desired amount of top shouters, along with their individual amount of messages. At the moment, top shouters are not shown in mobile view. Compatible with Community Suite 4.1.7 and Chatbox 1.1.9. Warning:
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This will show a little notice if the topic starter was a staff member.
    1 point
  5. Version 3.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will set a number of Content Items that users must have to send new PMs. You can set the required number of Content Items, including if you would like to display this number in the message, and which user groups will be affected.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.1.2


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This widget will display a message for all new members, you can set for how long the message will be displayed in minutes, hours or days
    1 point
  7. Version v1.1


    CrystalSkull v1.1 - Gaming Magazine WordPress Theme Main features: Page builder powered by Visual Composer WooCommerce support Parallax blocks Video blocks Animated images and icons WPML Ready Translate ready – .po files included Rating System , widget included bbPress ready, create your own community! Demo: http://themeforest.net/item/crystalskull-gaming-magazine-wordpress-theme/13612358
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    I saw there was a bunch of requests for this theme, and I had it bought from a while back, so i figured i would share. This is the IPS 4.1 version. Find it, and a live demo, here. http://www.ipsfocus.com/themes/spectrum/ Reviews saying it doesn't work in 4.1.7, It's not my file so i don't know what it works with. I just know i'm using it on a 4.1 Version of IPS Community Suite. I'm going to be uploading a 4.x version soon.
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Traduction française pour IPS 4.1.x. Liste des applications traduites : System (système global, commun à toutes les autres applications)BlogsCalendarChatCommerceDownloadsForumsGalleryPages Dernière mise à jour: 15 nov. 2015 23:30
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This pluign will add a slider on file view to display other files from the file submitter. Settings: Number of files to display Type of files display: start date or random files Requirement: Downloads
    0 points
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The plug is made for gaming site. Allows users to groups outside the administration of the site, change permitted in the settings plug-in user groups. Example: GM (Gildmastery) and the guild officers can independently recruit, so ordinary members or change the hierarchical structure of their guilds. Any negative points fake is reported to management
    -1 points
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