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  1. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster


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  2. deaneo8



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  3. Phun


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  4. Skye



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2016 in all areas

  1. Love this tutorial, though you don't need to add search. You should be able to just add http://www.yourdomain.com/search/?type=core_members
    2 points
  2. Yup, been a work-in-progress for a very long time! That's because it's a full-on script copy, not just the theme, but EVERYTHING! Thanks for the post, Phun! Thank you, deaneo8
    1 point
  3. Check in your control panel under speed. Make sure none is checked
    1 point
    @snowflake That's a problem with your webserver. You should check your php.ini about: ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 2M -> Increase this value to eg: 32M ; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize post_max_size = 2M -> Increase this value to eg: 32M
    1 point
  4. Care to share the script incase others have save issue or question maybe?
    1 point
  5. Holy cows. This has to be one of the longest running projects on WebFlake regarding a rip/clone/copy.
    1 point
  6. here you go http://pastebin.com/5ebdDXbG
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.2


    Simple plugin to show the current server load besides your name in the ACP.
    0 points
  8. Version 4.1.7


    This was requested by members - Got it from IPS Download so just a direct re-upload. These files are required to use developer mode in IPS Community Suite. Enjoy, and remember to feed me cookies! VirusTotal
    0 points
  9. Version 4.5.1


    Subway by ipsfocus Subway is based upon the Metro UI theme used in the Windows OS. It features a simple colour scheme changer, allowing your members to choose their own colour and pattern combination from a preset array. Perfect for any community, very easy to set custom default colours and even easier to add/replace the existing colours with your own! Theme features Theme Settings Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required. Color Scheme Editor Your members can choose two colors to create their own color scheme from a predefined selection. This feature can be disabled easily if required. Background picker (if enabled) Your members can choose their own background image (or color) from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be configured or disabled within the theme settings. Background settings Restrict the background picker to certain groups such as registered members or VIP's. Or remove the picker entirely from mobiles to save bandwidth on the go. All within the settings! Guest message A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available. Social links Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc) HTML logo with slogan Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Mega Footer A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings. Demo available on ipsfocus More information and full feature list
    0 points
  10. Thank You for your extremely valuable contribution.
    -1 points
  11. Well, just logged in at my envato account, noticed half of my item already removed by the author, so i made a "backup" on webflake, enjoy my original purchashed files unaltered, unmodified, pure clean & newest versions!
    -1 points
  12. Brawh, i deleted it after my problem was solved. I will re write it latter and post it in Tutorial cat.
    -1 points
    Thank you Cookie... you're great ;)
    -1 points
  13. Version 1.0.0


    -1 points
  14. Version 1.5.9


    Script Features Include: Media Upload User Authentication Facebook & Google Authentication User Profiles Commenting User Likes Full Admin Panel Multiple Color Schemes Add Pages NSFW Functionality Watermark Support Language Translation Ready And Much Much More… Technologies Used: Laravel 4 Bootstrap 3 Font Awesome 4 Many Other Popular Libraries & Frameworks Server Requirements: PHP >= 5.4 Apache Web Server MCrypt PHP Extension (available in most hosting providers) Allow_url_fopen enabled PDO Extension Our full admin panel is integrated into the site. Admins can delete, edit, or disable users, media, and comments. Site customizations include logo upload, backend color changes, color schemes, and the ability to add your own custom CSS. We have included a full 5 part video Getting Started guide to help you get up and running with Ninja Media Script. Hope you enjoy Great support and weekly updates! THIS SCRIPT IS NOT ALTERED OR MODIFIED. PURCHASHED BY ME AND UPLOADED DIRECTLY ON WEBFLAKE
    -1 points
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin displays a flag on the upper right hand corner of your staff team's posts. It is configureable to whichever groups you decide to have set as staff. This hook gives your staff team's posts a little more visibility than the average user by showcasing their status on the corners of their posts.
    -1 points
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Emoticons pack 875 Emoticons!
    -3 points
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