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Legacy content for IP.Board 3.4. This content is no longer supported by WebFlake. We strongly recommend upgrading to IPS 4. Use at your own risk.

1,235 files

  1. IP.Board Security Patch

    Can be used for nulled and original.

    Two security issues have been identified in IP.Board 3.4.x. Unauthorized users may be able to issue warnings, and users may be able to obtain certain member information if they know the member's linked Facebook account ID. To resolve this issue, please download this patch and apply it to your site.



  2. IPB 3.4.9 Retail

    This is a maintenance release to consolidate security updates released since 3.4.8, release additional security updates, and fix some minor bugs impacting many clients. We recommend you upgrade to ensure you have all security updates in place.



  3. [Retail] Slate (Light)

    Compatible with smartphones that can read HTML, css and javascript web pages including iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, Nokia, Nexus, Android, HTC and more!
    Try your device by viewing the demo board!

    Visit your community on the move - anytime, any place..

    Clean web 2.0 design
    The clean index page shows only important information to minimize clutter.

    Navigation grid
    Tapping the top right "grid" icon shows the navigation grid where all links are available from one place.

    Compatible with Gallery 4
    With Gallery 4, you can now view all albums and images on your mobile.

    Compatible with Blogs
    Create new blog entries or comment on existing entries, straight from your mobile.

    Status updates page
    View all of the latest status updates - all on one page.

    Compact topic view
    A clean, compact topic view allows for easy reading and replying.

    Add a shortcut (iPhone)
    Add your forum to your iPhone home screen and it'll show a neat icon which can be easily customized.

    Collapsible search bar
    A search bar is one touch away on all pages by tapping the search icon at the top.

    Retina Graphics
    All images have been optimized for the high resolution screens, such as the Retina Display on iOS devices.

    CSS icons
    CSS has been used to generate icons, which allows for unlimited zooming (retina display), and faster loading times!

    Auto-detect mobiles
    Automatically change to the mobile skin if your member views your forum using their mobile.



  4. DarkWars

    Is a cool skin for version 3.4   
    What's New in Version 0.0.1 
    This version is the last
    v0.0.1 - Project Closed No More info



  5. Website Integration

    Please note: This only works on IPB 3.4, not 4.0+
    Created by apachenick.
    Here is an integration that allows you to integrate your forum's information into your website. For example, you can use this to integrate your forum login, topic feed, or anything you wish to use it for.



  6. Tema Fearteam

    A nice redesigned theme.Without bugs



  7. (M34) Form Manager

    Setup multiple forms with the ability for pm, email or topic alerts when new form submissions are made. Also included is the ability to add custom fields for each form. The Form Manager is the latest update and progression of the Contact application, full details and a faq on this update can be found here. The Contact System is still offered as an extra version download.
    Feature List:
    Optional confirmation email to let members know there message was received. Per form option to add attachments. Including options based at member group level. Send reply emails within the Form Manager Quick preview feature for form logs. Per form option for rules or instructions for each form. Submit time wait feature, set how long each member group must wait before resubmitting a form. Per form permissions for who can view and submit to a form. And also who can view any form logs. Per member group option to bypass captcha. Per form option to send out personal messages when new form submissions are made. Per form option to send out emails when new form submissions are made. Per form option to create a forum topic when new form submissions are made. Custom Fields: 
    Allows you to quickly and effortlessly add custom fields to the contact system without the need to edit source code. Supported field types include:Text Input, Dropdown Box, Multi-Select Dropdown, Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, Text Area, Password and RTE Editor



  8. Suspect Activities

    Suspect Activities mod will protect your website and prevent bots and unwanted traffic from tor nodes and blacklist IP addresses to hit your website and you can block counties which you don't like to access your website. 
    This mod will protect your members from people who use proxies to bully your members.
    Prerequisites: PHP 5.3+



  9. Invite System

    [IP.Board 3.4] Invite System 1.1.0
    This hook will make your board only accept new registrations from users who have received an invite.
     Number of posts a member must make to gain an invite Number of days to expire the invite User groups who can invite User groups who has unlimited invites Intregrated to Mailchimps:  when someone subscribes to your list, will receive an invite to your board  
    Copyright Note
    This hook is an upgrade of INVITE SYSTEM for IP.Board 3.0.X, by beeman.



  10. Recent Topics

    This hook will show in board index a box with the last topics/posts made on your forum. You can set how many topics do you want to show, the interval for the list auto update, exclude forums and groups allowed to see the list.

    To notify you about new topics/posts, this hook uses an effect that will pulsate the list only if some new topic or new post is made.

    Topic preview Topic pagination Forums prefixes (pinned, poll and hot topic) Attachments link to view topic attachements Restriction by number of posts Option to hide CLOSED topics Ability to user use settings in User Control Panel: enable/disable Recent Topics block in board index; number of topics to show and block forums Compatibility:
    Version 3.2.2 => IP.Board 3.4.X Version 3.1.0 => IP.Board 3.3.X Version 3.0.2 => IP.Board 3.2.X Compabilitible with (SOS34) Topic Under Special Surveillance 1.0.0



  11. (TM34) Reputation points in menubar

    Hook displayed the members' reputation points in the menubar next to notifications icon.



  12. IbProArcade

    IbProArcade is a great game application to put on your IPB.



  13. Member Notes

    This hook will allow moderating team to add notes (plain text) to members. A notification will be sent to all users from selected groups (moderating team) when a member receives a new note.
    Permissions on Manage Member Groups:
    Add Note Edit Note Delete Note View Note View Sidebar Block with Latest Notes  
    List of Notes:
    Now you have a tab on MANAGE MEMBERS (Moderator CP) where you can view all member notes



  14. Read That Topic/Announcement

    This application will force members in selected groups to read a specific topic/forum nnouncement before being able to use the site. A popup will appear to those users with only one option: a button to redirect to that topic.

    Users with access to Admin CP and no restriction on this APP can pick a topic from forum side, on Topic Moderation menu.
    General Settings:
    Allow forum moderators to set a topic to be read Restriction by number of posts  
    Per Group Settings:
    Enable application for the group Topic/Announcement ID Popup Title Popup Message



  15. Staff Online Sidebar

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Adds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar.



  16. Engame Romania

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.



  17. Quiz System

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Quiz System is a fun application which allows you and your members to add Quizzes to your forum. With leaderboards, categories and a unique layout, The Quiz System is sure to be a hit with your members.



  18. Marble

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.



  19. (SD) Affiliates System

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    Application allows creating page with partners of service. Additionaly entries are moderated or you can sell it. If you want to sell entry you must have IP.Nexus.



  20. Custom Moderator Team Page

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This Replaces the standard "Moderator Team page" in the forums/elsewhere, with a custom Page, One Where in the ACP you can assign any groups you want to be displayed and in what order they are displayed. You can also add members to groups and hide them as well.

    Adding any Group to your "Moderator Team Page" Altering What order the Selected Groups display Easy drag and drop ordering When No groups are chosen, it Defaults to the IPB internal or If the application has been disabled. pseudo change the "title" for groups from group name to whatever you wish. Secondary Groups (if enabled, will search secondary groups of members for groups). Hide Members (you can now choose to "hide" members out of groups). 2 layouts: New Style, works similar to how IPB 3.3+ renders its team moderator page with pagination, Old Style, how custom moderator team page works now, creates individual blocks for each group. add a member to a group.(it will be a pseudo add like changing the group name, they will not inherit the permissions from the group they are displayed in). on the display page, you can now choose to show either the user group or their title, and either their join date or last active time. added settings module can organize members by name,group,join date, last login date, and then sort them by asc or desc. new administrator restrictions available.



  21. Member ID on Profiles

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This simple hook will show the member ID on all member profiles (showCard, modernProfile e userInfoPane).



  22. Display Members Browser

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This mod allow selected groups to see which browser an active user is using to navigate the board.

    Features: Select which groups are allowed to view the browser image 
    Option to display the image before or after the member name 
    Supported Browsers:
    This mod by default supports all the included browsers in IP.Board, if you have added more browsers (User Agents) but the images are missing you will need to upload your own images inside the folder public/style_extra/downloads_traffic_images/.
    For your own browser images to be displayed properly you need to use a PNG image and the name needs to be written in the following way



  23. Link to Profile Card on Members List

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This hook will add mouseover to the profile card on user's link in members list.



  24. (DDK33) Collapse Custom Fields

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This hook will collapse custom fields data in user info pane.



  25. (DDK33) Collapse Custom Fields

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future.
    This hook will collapse custom fields data in user info pane.

    Collapse/Expand link wording may be adjusted here:

    [AdminCP -> Look & Feel -> Manage Languages -> your language set -> System -> public_ddk33_ccf]



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