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Teams 1.0.3


8 Screenshots

About This File

Teams offers your members a great way to create minicommunities. Whether
it's for a gaming clan, or an off topic community, Teams is great for
anyone! This application features:[list]
[*]Create / Join Teams with perusergroup permissions.
[*]Team Management from the frontend by the Team Leader or forum staff.
[*]Team Emblems. Allow your members to personalise their team by uploading a team emblem.
[*]Team Invititation system. Your Team Leaders can create a 'closed' team, and then invite members..
[*]Team News system. Your Team Leaders can add news posts to a team which will notify all members of that team.
[*]Transfer Teams. A Team Leader can transfer their teams to other users.
[*]Team Leaders will be notified when someone joins a team which they have created.
[*]Team Members will be notified when someone joins a team which they're a member of.
[*]Users will recieve a notification when a team is transferred to them, or when they're invited to a team.

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