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ipb34_mar21.zip 3.4.x


About This File

[color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
[b]Security Update: 21 March 2013[/b]

As part of our ongoing security auditing we have discovered a possible security issue. We are releasing a critical security update today to address this issue.


We are providing a patch for IP.Board versions 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, and 3.1. Version 3.1 is end of life for support but we are still providing the patch for the convenience of clients who have not yet upgraded. If you are running a version less than 3.1 you should upgrade to get this and other security enhancements.

Patching is very easy:[/font][/color][list=1]
[*]Identify the version of IP.Board you are running.
[*]Download and unzip the appropriate patch file below that matches your version.
[*]Upload the contents of the extracted "upload" folder to your IP.Board home directory
[*]If you have renamed your admin directory, then copy the files manually to the appropriate admin folde

What's New in Version 3.4.x


  • Critical Update

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