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Lazy Loader 1.3.2

1 Screenshot

About This File

With this modification you'll give a Performance Boost to IPB
adding the ability to use the Lazy Loader method to delay image loading,
making your board run faster.

This modification uses the standalone, fast & cross browser javascript image lazy loader from Vincent Voyer, [url="https://github.com/fasterize/lazyload"]https://github.com/fasterize/lazyload[/url] that is distribute under the MIT license.


Applies Lazy Load to:[list]
[*]your bbc images
[*]your user pane photos
[*]your mini profile photos
[*]your signatures
[*]your media
[*]your front page gallery thumbnails
[/list]The screenshot you see is the average loading time from Google Analytics after installing on my board.

[*]Upload the contents of "upload" folder to your IPB ROOT
[*]Install the hook: System > Applications & Modules > Manage Hooks
[*]Recache your skins: Look & Feel > Template Tools > Recache Skin Sets
You will find two files inside the zip. One applies Lazy Loader to the
Gallery Home and the other doesn't. If you have problems with in the
Gallery, uninstall one and install the other.

What's New in Version 1.3.2 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5745"]See full changelog[/url])

[*]- minor change
[*]- one file with gallery home option and other without gallery home
[*]- new group settings
[*]- replace media
[*]- minor changes
[*]- first version

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