About This File
Compatible XF Versions 2.0 2.1 2.2
Additional Requirements php 5.6+
A Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
This add-on expects all users able to issue warnings to be a member of the default Registered User's group. If this is not the case, you will not have permission to issue warnings until you:
- Add every into the Registered Users group
- Adjust the permissions in each Warning Category.
Warning; All user group titles will be visible if they are applied in a Warning Action
- Warnings/Bans with time-based expiry are now be removed on the 1st visit after the expiry time, rather than needing to wait for the hourly cron task to run.
Sortable warnings with categories
- Drag & drop
- Permissions per category
- Per-category warning actions, allowing warning actions to be only triggered from points in that category
- Updated front-end using smart select menu, or radio boxes
- User Criteria for warning points
- Allow users to view their own warnings, and find which posts where warned.
- Option to send an alert to a user when they receive a warning.
- Allows the Custom Warning to be customized like other warnings
- Copy Warning title/text automatically to the public warning action field.
- Allow non-custom Warnings to have their Titles edited, opt-in
- Use XenForo's AJAX handling on errors instead of breaking the current form.
- Optional ability to "unsticky" the Warn button on the warning dialog
- Allow the default content action to be set
Control defaults for user notification
- Alerts
- Lock PMs by default
- Send warning conversations by default
- Allow invite into warning conversations by default
Option to require a note when entering a warning
- and enforce a minimum length
Ability to see warning actions applied to an account from the front-end
- users may see warning actions agains thier account
- automatically roll-up identical warning actions to show the latest expiry
- per-group moderator permissions for editing/viewing all/disable summarization.
Additional conversation substitution replaceable for the warning conversation on submit.
- {points}
- {warning_title}
- {warning_link}
Option to force new conversation email to be sent on a warning conversation.
- Will send even if they are banned!
- Always sends full conversation text.
- This can ignore conversation privacy options.
- Automatically extend default warning expires based on warning point total thresholds. Not accumulative, only the last matching threshold applies
Anonymise warnings and warning alerts as a particular user or as a generic 'Moderation Staff' (WarningStaff phrase).
- Affects Alerts and Warnings.
- Does NOT change conversations.
- Round up warning expiry time to the nearest hour to avoid confusion over delays caused by XenForo task system's hourly schedule.
- Option to log a warning summary to a thread. Phrase: Warning_Summary_Message, can use BBCode
New Warning Action actions triggered for the last valid warning action:
- Post a new thread. Phrases Warning_Thread_Message & Warning_Thread_Title, can use BBCode.
- Reply to an existing thread. Phrases Warning_Thread_Message, can use BBCode.
New Permission to control if a user can see who warnedthem.
- View Warning Issuer.
- View Warning Actions
- Edit Warning Actions
- Don't Summarize Warning Actions
Giving "View Warning Details" allows users to view the 'private' warning note, and allows them to see who issued the warning!
Fully Phrased.