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TDB Stop Shouting 1.0.8

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About This File

What does it do?

This plug-in prevents your members from trying to steal attention, by entering a title in purely uppercasing with lots of punctuation. The Plug-in will try and strip the text to a more readable format that is constant with your board posting guidelines.

Plug-in Settings:

  1. Case Types: There are 5 different types of casing that you can use. No Modification, Sentence Case, Upper Case, Lower Case and Title Case.
  2. Excessive Punctuation: This tries to reduce excessive punctuation from the title. This will turn ??????? to ? and !!!!!! to !.
  3. Exception Words: These are word of your choosing that will never have their casing changed, regardless of your plug-in settings. If the word is upper case, all of these words in the title will be forced Upper case for example.
  4. Remove Characters: These are characters that will be removed regardless of how many there are in the title text.

Names that begin with O', Mc or Mac will be processed automatically from o'neill to O'Neill or mcneill to McNeill.


Please Note this version has been converted from a Plug-in to a Application.

If you have previously installed the plugin version, do NOT uninstall the plugin until you have installed the Application version first or you will lose your previous settings. I have created a upgrade script, but it seems to be a hit and miss whether or not it will work. You may have to manually port over your plugin settings afterwards.

  • Changed: Converted the plugin version to an Application. This will give me much more control over future additions which I have planned for this Application.
  • Changed: The Settings form is now split into 5 different tabs to make it easier to work with.
  • Added:  StopShouting will now handle core applications such as CMS and Calendar Events. I do not have 'Gallery' or 'Blogs' so I cannot test these on my install.
  • Added: The ability to disable or override CMS's built in formatting functions. This is to prevent StopShouting's titles being overwritten by CMS text formatting and to save some CPU cycles. If you want a field to be formatted, you must SELECT it in CMS using the 'Apply Text Formatter' in the field Settings. The formatting Options will be ignored while handled by StopShouting. CMS titles will be handled automatically regardless of these settings.
  • Changed: Optimized the code to reduce overhead and speed things up a little more.
  • Fixed: Titles with certain punctuation characters were not handled correctly and the words afterwards would not be capitalized correctly.
  • Fixed: Exceptions 'words' function was not working as expected. I have finally managed to fix this issues.

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