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Portal 1.7.0

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5 Screenshots

About This File

This application is not officially listed as 4.3 application, but from my personal experience using it on 4.3, it works without any problems or bugs. If you encounter some problems, message me and i will try to help you out.

Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by IPS.


Step One

Download the application and unzip it's contents into a folder on your desktop if needed. Most applications will have a basic folder structure like this. With the applications tar file and the readme or instructions file.



Step Two
Open your Admin CP. In your browser and navigate to the System Tab then on the left side menu and then the Applications menu At the top of this page you will see the 'Install' button, click it and find the applications tar file you just unzipped onto your desktop. Once your ready, click the Install button to start the import. The application installer will then run through the installation and you'll see several redirects until it's fully installed.



Step Three (Manage)
After you've installed it, depending on the type of application it is. You may notice a new tab on the front end of your forum or even more menus in the admin cp of your forums. This is how you'll view and setup this application.



Step Four (Widgets)
Applications now come with the ability to add widgets to your forums. If your application does have a widget available, Open your forums home page and locate the "Manage Blocks" icon on the center left hand side of your forums. Clicking this will load a side menu with all the available application widgets, locate the widget for the application your installing and then drag and drop it to what ever widget area position is available..


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