About This File
MyDownloads is the best and most powerful downloads manager for MyBB.
- Lots of Settings to customize plenty of features
Manage categories and downloads
- Many sub-category levels
- Permissions to view, download and submit items
- Logs (ratings, downloads and comments)
- Submissions - downloads that have been submitted by users and are awaiting approval
- PayPal Logs - payment logs
- Reported Items
- Tags
Font End
- (Optional) Most recent downloads box on index and portal
- Home page with stats: most downloaded, most viewed, most rated
- Many sub-category levels
- Users can submit their own downloads (either file or download links)
- Users can submit their own downloads
- Users can comment downloads
- Users can rate downloads
- Download authors can upload (through drag and drop) multiple previews for their downloads and can set one as cover.
- Users can manage their submissions (edit and delete)
- Users can report downloads.
- Supports PayPal and NewPoints.
- Users can search downloads in all categories or speficic categories.
- Users can associate tags with their downloads and filter downloads by tags.