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About This File

Strontium Style was named following Strontium chemical element. Strontium is a chemical element with symbol Sr and atomic number 38. An alkaline earth metal, strontium is a soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element that is highly reactive chemically. The metal turns yellow when it is exposed to air.

Strontium is named after the Scottish village of Strontian, having been discovered in the ores taken from the lead mines there. One thing that is very interesting you should know about is that the national flag of Scotland is blue.

By that inspiration, we combined and created this style. Strontium is the perfect example of sea lovers. Imagine that you are on the beach in a sunny day and be surround by the sound of breaking waves and the smell of salt, it could be the best day of your life. With the friendly texture, we ensure that you will love this style. In this style, we choose the blue as the main color. The Search box is put at the same row with the main tabs and in the navigation bar. The Alert and Message is put next to the logo of forum and the account of user is put at the top right corner of site. It is made sure that users could feel the most comfortable when they use the site.

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